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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). A lot of us do. Our minds are constantly overthinking every detail, we can lose our appetite quickly or get physically ill. Some people can experience severe anxiety or panic attacks. It’s a load and, sometimes, it gets too heavy to carry. 

Just like any other illness, there are pharmaceuticals that can help us control how we manage our anxiety disorders. However, most of them are highly addictive. Benzodiazepines, for example, are the most frequently prescribed anti-anxiety medications. They are also the most abused. This likely happens because those who suffer from anxiety tend to have an addictive personality, so it’s very easy for them to generate dependence on certain substances or medications. As a GAD patient, I can acknowledge how difficult it is for me to break certain habits. And, since I’m not a risk taker, knowing the potential side effects of these pharmaceuticals doesn’t encourage me to try them. Additionally, I know anxiety can be managed through other mechanisms and medicines. One method I began using that helped me manage my anxiety a lot better is Cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD.

What is CBD?


CBD is the second most prominent cannabinoid found in Cannabis. This compound has a variety of medicinal benefits that can help ease symptoms of anxiety without psychoactive effects. In fact, out of the many compounds that are found in a cannabis plant, tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the only cannabinoid that has been found to produce the plant’s famous psychoactive results. So, what does CBD do?

How does CBD work?


While THC mainly interacts with cannabinoid receptors in our nervous system, CBD can also bind to receptors in the serotonin system. Known as one of the “happy hormones”, serotonin sends signals between nerve cells to regulate mood, pain, sleep, and a few other functions that help maintain the body in balance. Studies have shown that adding CBD to the mix enhances the effects of serotonin. And, the more serotonin we produce, the happier we’ll feel.  

Benefits of CBD

Various studies have discovered a wide range of benefits from using CBD. Other than regulating our system, CBD has been found to relieve pain, reduce nausea, and is a significant ally for reducing seizures. CBD has also proven to be an effective aid when dealing with social anxiety. Since cannabis is still classified as schedule 1 drug, studies on CBD are still ongoing. But the results so far are very promising. And so is the anecdotal evidence.

How CBD worked for me

I began using CBD halfway through the pandemic. Between the heightened emotions and the academic pressures of online classes, I could barely get my mind to keep quiet. On the verge of a breakdown, I bought my first CBD Oil and started using it in the mornings before my classes. Not only was it easier to maintain my focus, but I didn’t start trembling when I said the wrong answer in front of the camera. It shocked me to see how easy it was to brush the situation off, when the main reason I don’t speak up in class is because of a similar 6th grade trauma. 

Because CBD binds to brain and body receptors alike, consuming it helps me stay balanced. It’s not that nothing bothers me, CBD just makes it easier to deal with the situations that usually stress me out. And this doesn’t mean I’ve only depended on CBD to manage my symptoms. Professional help has also been an important part of the journey. Which is why I encourage you to speak with your doctor if you’ve considered trying CBD for your anxiety treatment. Also, always consult with a doctor before adding CBD to an already prescribed regime. While CBD has mild side effects, combining it with other prescription medications could produce different and unknown effects. That being said, I believe CBD is a great tool to keep your anxiety in check, as long as you are being responsible. So, if you’re curious about trying it, here is your cue to give it a whirl!

Andrea is currently majoring in Journalism at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. She’s an introverted empath who enjoys long drives while listening to good music. When it’s time to sit down and write, coffee and Led Zeppelin serve as her inspiration.