Occasionally, you’ll stumble upon a person on the internet, be it someone in your neighborhood or maybe a celebrity, that catches your attention. Perhaps their work ethic inspires you, their body type makes you accept yourself more because you see a reflection of yourself in this person, or the topics that are important to them are important to you.
- Reese Witherspoon
I recently watched Witherspoon’s inspiring speech given in 2015 at an event organized by Glamour. She made her own production company, Pacific Standard Films, with the mission to depict women as strong female characters in movies and series. She wants to break the stereotypes of women not knowing what to do in situations of chaos and relying entirely on men. Witherspoon is a female figure that is inspiring because she wants women to know that they can do anything they want to, and they need to stand and take their place in society. In her speech, she says: “I think we are in a cultural crisis in every field. In every industry, women are underrepresented and underpaid in leadership positions… I urge each one of you to ask yourselves: what do we do now? That’s a big question. What is it in life that you think you can’t accomplish? Or, what is it that people have said that you cannot do? Wouldn’t it feel really good to prove them all wrong? Because I believe ambition is not a dirty word. It’s just believing in yourself and your abilities.”
— Arhiadne Luna, 17
- Hayley Williams
The Paramore frontwoman is in a definite “stan-worthy” status, not only because of her glorious vocals but because she’s real through and through. With the band’s latest release, After Laughter, Hayley confronts her anxiety and depression and begins to shed all her fears, letting her vulnerability shine through in the most beautiful ways. She speaks for everyone, not just herself, with her lyrics. She’s also not afraid to go outside of the box—be it with her music or other endeavors like GoodDyeYoung (her vegan and cruelty-free hair dye line). Overall, Hayley is a woman who’s been through many ups and downs; who admits that it’s okay and that there’s always a reason to love and embrace who you are.
— Aisha Lebrón, 20
- Millie Bobby Brown
Millie Bobby Brown is a force to be reckoned with and a definite breakout actress to watch out for in the future. She’ll be seen in the spotlight for years to come. Strong and fierce (akin to her character) in the face of many people sexualizing her, she never lets it get in the way of her kindness and continues to be a sweetheart to true fans!
— Ileana Meléndez, 19
- Iskra Lawrence
The Aerie Real model and NEDA Ambassador has helped me grow a stronger backbone for my confidence as a young woman in our aesthetically-demanding society. Like most girls, I struggled with body image and self-acceptance through high school. As an undergrad Sophomore, I have come a long way, and it is thanks to people like Iskra! She constantly advocates for body positivity and self-care through her social media platforms. Thanks to her, I have accepted myself.
— Ana Teresa Solá, 19
As college women and men, there is a certain pressure to figure your life out in order to prepare yourself for graduation and beyond. It can get stressful and overbearing at times, but the best tip I’ve received is to look at people that have accomplished what you want to. Let them inspire you and their journey guide you down your own. Here’s to hoping these four badass women can do that for you.