“Leadership, social responsibility and networking”
As this being their second year as an association, “we want to grow and create an even larger impact in our campus community”, stated ROTARACT President, Gerardo Sánchez. ROTARACT, is an interdisciplinary association that branches out to the people who want to do good.
How to join?
-Fill in the application form:
-Membership: $10 a year
-Participate in a minimum of 2 activities
Future activities:
-October, 5: M.D.Ph.D. Program Chat
-October, 19: “Avancemos a Grandes Pasos Contra el Cáncer de Seno” March
-November, 2: Financial Management for Graduate Studies Chat
Contact them!
-Facebook: ROTARACT UPR Río Piedras https://www.facebook.com/rotaractuprriopiedras/?fref=ts
-E-mail: rotaractuprrp@gmail.com