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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

It’s that time of the year, again. Yeah, you know, the one where all your relativess gather around in the kitchen telling embarrasing stories about you. Don’t go to your room this year, though, cause I’m going to give you one prayer that will light up every people’s mind in the room.

Disclaimer: It is meant to be sarcastic. It’s supposed to point out the things that are wrong.

Happy Ungrateful-giving, a poem brought to you by Society:

Thank you life for putting bad people in our lives.

For family members who push us around.

For the evil that is still upon us.

For the corruption that surrounds our country.

For the people who leave early of the family reunion, to be first on the Walmart line around midnight.

For the invention of Black Friday, because there’s nothing more festive than saying “I’m grateful for everything I have” and buying unnecesary things.

For the people who deserve to be in jail, but aren’t because of our great justice system.

For the ghosts that still haunt us to this day.

For the tradition that shows that humans shouldn’t be trusted.

For the neverending war we must go through, for the “greater good”.

For the individuals that hurt others.

For hate crimes, discrimination, and humilliation. How much more can we take?

For the neverending holidays, of things that should be done everyday. Like, honoring our family, maybe?

But most importantly,

Thank you for not letting me fall in a world so cold. 


This prayer was inspired by the Tornado Alley’s  poem: Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28, 1986. It is meant to expose things that are going on in our country. Don’t be oblivious, don’t be part of the problem, be a part of the solution. Stay strong. But in all honesty, be sincerely grateful this year. You don’t know if things will be the same the day after.



Nahir Robles was a former member of the Her Campus at UPR chapter from 2013 until 2018. She graduated with a Bachelor's in Integrative Biology. Some of her interests include writing, modeling, and wrestling. She is currently a Her Campus Mentor and works as a Pathology Assistant.