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Today’s Advice: Why You Should Trust Your Intuition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.
Intuition– in·​tu·​i·​tion
“The ability to understand or know something immediately based on your feelings rather than facts.”

Intuition: we don’t know where it comes from or how it happens, but it is definitely there for a reason: to guide us.

We have all heard that “listen to your gut” saying, but what does it mean? It is that feeling you get in your stomach as if it was tied in a knot, or nervousness out of nowhere. It means listening to yourself and the message that your body is trying to send.

Intuition is with us all the time, but we might not be aware of it. There are random moments where you can become aware of your intuition, like when a thought pops into your head telling you not to eat that thing because it might make your stomach hurt, when you decide to take the other route to get home, or when you get nervous and you don’t know the reason why until something happens. That inner voice is always there, you just have to listen.


Intuition can be helpful in decision-making moments. Sometimes we decide based on the “right thing to do” instead of looking out for what is best for us. At other times we decide based on what others think we should do. If the decision feels wrong, listen to that, it’s telling you something. It is not about deciding what might be considered “right” but choosing what you feel is best.

For example, it’s your best friend’s birthday and you are going out to celebrate (you HAVE to be there), but you also have a big test coming up and you need to study. At the moment, the “right” choice might seem like the best one, ‘cause you can always study later, but you have to consider the consequences of that decision. We should choose what is best for us ‘cause it’s the one that will have the biggest impact later on. If you’re feeling that you should stay and study, then you should trust that feeling because in the end you will pass the test AND you can go out with your friends to celebrate both things.

A key component in decision-making and helping you make the “right” decision is self-trust. Trusting yourself in this process will help you perceive what your intuition is trying to tell you better. Meditation is often suggested as a way to get in touch with your intuition. Those moments of silence help you get to know yourself better and organize everything on your mind. The body needs to rest, have some time to refresh and energize itself. When you feel stuck, you should go for a walk to clear your mind or do something that calms you. That will help you see differently and receive what your body and mind are trying to tell you.

Of course, your intuition may not always be right, but it is one of the best things to guide you where you need to be. Learning to trust yourself and your intuition takes time, but the sooner you start to get in touch with it, the better.


“Life whispers to us all the time, and it’s up to us to listen.” – Oprah

Image Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Laleska is majoring in journalism at the UPR Rio Piedras Campus. Loves travelling, fashion, reading books and sleeping. You can always find her with a smile on her face!