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4 Reasons Why Ryan Reynolds was Destined to Play Deadpool

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

With the new Deadpool movie, many may continue to say Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds were a match made in Marvel Cinematic Universe Heaven. Somehow, no one seems to explain why, yet here are the reasons why I believe they are the perfect pair:


  1. Ryan Reynolds believed in Deadpool’s potential.

Even when no one seem to care about Deadpool’s solo career, Reynolds did! After reading the comics and connecting with him, he felt “{Deadpool] occupied a space in the comic book world that no other character could or would”. He pushed Fox to finance the flick and even when it spend eleven years in the making, he never stopped believing in the character’s potential. Now we can proceed to thank Reynolds for believing in such an amazing movie.


  1. He makes it look easy.

Since he is that good of actor and he matched Deadpool’s characteristics off-screen, he manages to make it seem so effortless. The same caution when using cursing words, the sarcastic sense of humor, that may give people mix emotions as a response of  what they are saying, and charisma are some of the some of the many things they have in common. It’s so incredible they even share the same child-like attitude


  1. His voice completed the Deadpool.

Even though Ryan Reynolds is a handsome man and we saw a glimpse of his beauty, his perfect butt, and we all envied Blake Lively during the first movie,, most of the movie he is masked or just deformed. Therefore, Reynolds’ beauty can’t be a part of this list, yet his voice matches perfectly Deadpool’s characteristics and the manipulation of his voice tone makes it impossible to match Deadpool to another actor’s voice.


  1. Deadpool chose Reynolds to give him life.

(Image taken from Google)


In the comic book Cable and Deadpool No. 2 published in 2004, Deadpool manages to describe his face as “Ryan Reynolds crossed with a Shar-Pei” . What is clearer than that? Well done, Deadpool!



Instead of looking for another actor to play the character, thing that would be impossible to do, it is simpler to confirm Deadpool and Reynolds were a match made in Marvel Universe Heaven. We surely hope to see more of Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool.


21 year-old passionate with the idea of becoming a Chemical Engineer and a Writer. In love with the beach, El Colegio and writing her way through history.   The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.  -Helen Keller
English Major at the University of Puerto Rico, MayagĂĽez Campus. With a minor in Comunications and a minor in Marketing. Interested in all things entertainment and pop culture. Passionate writer and aspiring journalist. Former Campus Correspondent at HC UPRM.Â