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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

Congratulations! You are a part of Colegio now and that, my friend, is a big deal. This is the year–YOUR year! The beginning of something wonderful and oh so exciting, yet so scary. Everything is changing; you’re probably moving from your hometown to MayagĂŒez, leaving your family and friends; you know, big changes. Obviously you’re overwhelmed with all of this and probably a little frightened from what everyone else has been telling you about Colegio. And whether or not you are excited for this school year with all of these challenges to start, here are some suggestions to get through your first semester.



  1. Take it easy.


A lot is happening in a short span of time. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, drained (physically and mentally) tired, and like you have nothing figured out. Take a breath, take a break, and then deal with everything – one thing at a time.


2. It’s the most exciting year, enjoy it!


Make new friends, expand your social circle, know your way around the city, hang out, go out, etc. Enjoy what might be the hardest, yet the most wonderful year of your undergraduate experience!


3.  “Do not fear to lose what needs that be lost.”


With all these changes and new experiences you might lose touch with most, if not all, of your high school friends and that is perfectly normal and okay. You might no longer have anything in common with them. In fact, you may realize that chances are that you talked to some of them just because you saw them seven hours a day, five times a week in school.


4. It’s OK to change your mind about your major.


This year you are on your way to discover yourself, so don’t be afraid of  what you might find! Your opinions and outlook about life will change, and with these,  your plans might also change. The important thing is that you find what you want to do and go out there and do it! Do what you love, no matter what others think or say; at the end of the day it’s your life and you are the only one who will suffer the consequences of your choices.


5. Don’t worry about not feeling like an adult yet.



Nobody does! College is a time to figure things out, and as people say, “fake it ‘till you make it.”


6. It’s OK to feel clueless.



If you still don’t know what you’re doing, look for help! What helped me the most in my freshman year was going to my department’s guidance counselor and asking her for advice on clubs and internships related to my ultimate goal. There is no shame in needing and asking for help.


Good Luck!



English Major at the University of Puerto Rico, MayagĂŒez Campus. With a minor in Comunications and a minor in Marketing. Interested in all things entertainment and pop culture. Passionate writer and aspiring journalist. Former Campus Correspondent at HC UPRM. 
Former Chief Editor and Campus Correspondent at the Her Campus UPRM chapter of the University of Puerto Rico at MayagĂŒez. Writing in NYC, living the dream.