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The Her Campus Guide to College Life Book Review

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

The Her Campus Guide to College Life: How to Manage Relationships, Stay Safe and Healthy, Handle Stress, and Have the Best Years of Your Life!

If you are planning on becoming a UPRM student, studying abroad, or possibly moving onto grad school in the United States, Europe, or anywhere else in the world (it could even be to another city within Puerto Rico), then you might be interested in acquiring a copy of the new The Her Campus Guide to College Life book.

Spoiler Alert!

The book is divided in five parts, which are then divided once more into chapters.

First Part:  focuses on staying safe in and out of campus. We feel that we have heard it all when it comes to being safe, but unfortunately, one can never be too safe and this chapter will help you keep track of all the possible dangers in what will be your second home.

Second Part: the staying healthy one, which also seems like a topic we have heard all about before. However, these chapters will provide tips on how to stay fit, eat healthy when we are way too busy and stressed to do so, and what to snack on when we feel like munching during classes or finals. 

Third Part:  learn on how to develop and maintain good relationships with those around us evene if those are your roomates, professors or even you s/o. College is a home to a wide variety of people, all of them with good or bad habits and intentions. It’s better to clear off of the bad ones!

Fourth Part & Five: lastly, learn how to juggle a social life along with our academics and what steps to take once you reach that dreaded day of graduation and having to manage money and your career.

The Her Campus crew covers everything imaginable from how to deal with that roommate we dread to see every day, to what steps to take if we want to study in places where we don’t know the language. Every collegiette needs to get a copy and bind it with contact paper to keep at its best.

To buy it, just click here.


Sophia Melissa is a senior at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez studying English Literature. She dreams of continuing her studies to become a journalist. Born and raised in Carolina but studying at Mayagüez has given her the opportunity to experience the diversity of her island. A tech geek, book worm, and animal lover at heart, she has always enjoyed helping those around her.
Her Campus at UPRM