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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

I know you’re scared because you haven’t quite figured out what you want to do with your life, and you feel like everybody around you has everything figured out. But, the truth is they don’t, and even if they did, it’s okay to be a little lost. Nobody expects you to have everything figured out at 18. Everybody blossoms at their own rate, and just because everything around you is moving fast doesn’t mean you’re falling behind. Others’ successes are not the measure of your failures.


Buckle up tight; it’s going to be a bumpy ride, but it’s all going to be worth it. You’re going to learn and grow more than you can ever imagine. Prepare to stumble upon a million rocks along the way, prepare to fight to get up time after time, prepare to constantly change your mind and to doubt your decisions no matter how miniscule they might be. Prepare for love and loss, prepare for disappointment, for unexpected goodbyes and unprecedented hellos. Prepare for the pain, for the stress, for the uncertainty and for the emotional rollercoaster that these few years will hold. But mostly, prepare for the lessons, for the satisfaction of accomplishing your goals one by one, for the overcoming of unfortunate events, for the beautiful friendships you will form, for the memories, the best times of your life, the uncontrollable laughter, the most amazing experiences you could ever wish for, and for all the knowledge you will acquire throughout these few years. I promise, it’ll be hard, but it’ll also be the most rewarding time of your whole existence.



I know you’re still struggling to find who you really are and who you’re meant to be, but take it easy; you will get to know yourself better with every step you take and sooner than you think, you’ll figure out who you want to become. After you do, make sure to devote your heart and soul into becoming that person. Remember to never let go of your essence and of all of those details that have always made you unique. Never change your ways to please others or to fit into society’s idea of what a “college girl” should be like. Don’t let popular culture change your morals, values, or your outlook on life. It’s okay to evolve, to change perspectives, to explore new ideals and new views, but please, stay true to who you are and don’t let anything or anyone make you doubt yourself and your worth.


Take care of your heart and your mental state first and foremost. Believe me when I say that if you don’t do it, nobody else will. Fair warning, you’re going to love deeper than you ever imagined, you’re going to experience the happiest and most beautiful moments of your life with people who won’t necessarily stick around, and you’re going to feel the pain of loss in ways you never thought you would.



You’re going to feel hopeless, lost, and as if there’s no getting over certain people or situations, but I promise you, you’ll be okay. You’ll learn to remember the good moments as happy memories and your hardest moments will help you grow unmeasurably. With time, you’ll understand that some people are put in your life to help you grow and to provide you with valuable lessons that will help shape you. You’ll learn that some people were meant to cross your path, even if they don’t accompany you the rest of the way.


Don’t be afraid to keep trying, to keep loving fearlessly and with all you’ve got; don’t be afraid to give the best of yourself always, don’t close yourself off to new experiences or to new people. Don’t close yourself off at all. I know you’re afraid to get hurt again, but living in fear will only keep you from experiencing life to the fullest. Be cautious, but not so cautious that you let your best years pass you by.



Most importantly, don’t be so hard on yourself. Don’t doubt your potential. Don’t put yourself down. Don’t become your own worst enemy along the way. Please remember that the most important love of your life is the love you feel for yourself. Take care of yourself, love yourself, value yourself, know your worth and make sure to always put YOU first. If you don’t do it, nobody else will. Be fearless in the pursuit of your dreams and don’t let anybody’s opinions dull your shine. You’ve got this girl! Don’t give up!




Your senior self.



English major at UPRM with a passion for human rights and the arts. Dancer, bibliophile, dog lover and wonderer.
Fabiola del Valle is 22 y/o English Lit. major studying at UPRM. She currently holds the position of Campus Correspondent and karaoke queen.