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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.



Just a couple of months left in order to see The Incredibles II but why are the 90’s kids going crazy about it? Even though at first we thought the movie would be a fast forward, when the trailer was released we got a little disappointed, but have you seen the details?


1. 15 years wait


Imagine being a five year-old who at the end of the movie get excited since the movie clearly establishes that a second part is on its way. Who would have thought it was a 15 year wait? That wasn’t a cool thing, dude. As said before, the 1990’s kid thought that after A loooooong time we would be seeing Jack Jack as a teenager and Ms. and Mr. Incredible as an elder but we were wrong.


2. Is Violet going out with Tony on Friday?


In the final minutes of the first part, Violet FINALLY achieves a date with her long time crush and who she thought was her platonic love, Tony. Will they really go out on Friday,r was that just the beginning of a friend-zone story? Would we get introduced another love for Violet on this second part? Will she tell him of her powers? I JUST CAN’T WAIT ANYMORE!


3. Watch Jack Jack in action with his family

Throughout the movie, the viewers thought Jack Jack was just a normal kid, but at the end it was more than exciting to get a glimpse of the incredible powers that he posses.


4. Tricycle Kid

We can all agree that without the tricycle kid nothing would have been the same. He gives the movie the emotion that we are feeling off the screen and been able to see it on a character on screen is really exciting.


5. The world need more relatable quotes

Honestly, every time I see The Incredibles I can really relate to everything happening. Whether it’s “we survived but we’re dead!” or  “pull yourself together!” we can all feel that.


Today, kids will never know how real the struggle was of waiting for the second part released to be announced. We just really hope the wait was worth it and the movie is even better than the first part.



We all do, Dash!


21 year-old passionate with the idea of becoming a Chemical Engineer and a Writer. In love with the beach, El Colegio and writing her way through history.   The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.  -Helen Keller
English Major at the University of Puerto Rico, MayagĂĽez Campus. With a minor in Comunications and a minor in Marketing. Interested in all things entertainment and pop culture. Passionate writer and aspiring journalist. Former Campus Correspondent at HC UPRM.Â