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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.



We all know it has been a difficult semester with all the strikes, plus on top of that all the homework, exams, extra work, enrollment coming soon as and finals. In general, it has been a very stressful and short semester, but besides all of that, we should all take a moment to reflect about all those experiences that have happened this semester. Even though some moments in this semester were not easy to deal with, we should take in consideration all the good moments and learn from the hard ones.

  1. Association activities

If you are part of an association, reflect on what you did that contributed to the activities. For example, if you were part of some activities, keep close to you all those good memories you did and all those people you shared them with.

(Image found in cchowler.com)

2. Extracurricular activities

If you did extracurricular activities and you had a great time, take it as a learning experience you can keep as a good memory. This can serve as something you can reflect on.

(Image found in thecollegesolution.com)

3. Internship planning

You can also plan for an internship or a job that you can eventually put on your resume. It can be an experience where you can learn new things, that you can apply them later on in your life.

(Image found in edmistongroup.com)

4. Giving yourself credit

You can give yourself credit for all the hard work you have done and feel proud of yourself for all the accomplishments you were able to achieve.

(Image found in deardarrica.com)

5. Don’t underestimate yourself

Don’t ever underestimate yourself, set yourself goals that you might be scared of but that in the end can be beneficial for you.

(image found in flickr.com)

6. Plan ahead

Planning ahead can be something you can reflect on. Plan things for the future, such as what classes you might want to take in upcoming semesters or other stuff you might want to do on the future for your career.

(image found in selfhelptrainings.com)

7. Reflect on things you’ve learned

Reflect on the material that you learned this semester, you can write down your experiences of it and later on you can look back at them and encourage yourself to learn more

(image found in mooc.employid.eu)

8. Reflecting on friends and family

You can also reflect on all the good people in your life, it can be new friends, old friends, and/or any family member, who ever you desire. All those memories you created with those people can be something you can reflect on.

(Image found in humans.media)

9. Reflect on yourself

This way you can see how much you have grown and changed this semester. You can evaluate and all those things that made you who you are today and what made you a strong person.

(Image found in steemit.com)

10. Treat yourself

After a hard semester is good to reflect on what things you can do for yourself that will make you feel happy. There’s no better feeling than treating yourself by doing something that will satisfy you. It can be by buying something that you wanted for a long time, it can really be whatever you want that can make you feel better.

(Image found in thelichfieldbeautysalon.co.uk)

These are some ways you can reflect about these situations in life that we sometimes do not put a lot of attention to but they are important to be recognized. It’s very important to give yourself love, appreciate others who are good to you, learn from all your new experiences among others. These can be helpful for you to reflect on, and that hopefully it will motivate you in the future to accomplish more things to reflect on in the future and be grateful for those good things.

My name is Angelique Matos, most people call me Angie and I am from Cabo Rojo. I am an English major on my third year studying linguistics and I have an obsession with fashion and makeup.
Fabiola del Valle is 22 y/o English Lit. major studying at UPRM. She currently holds the position of Campus Correspondent and karaoke queen.