Just like the grieving process, moving back home is a handful. Whether it’s because the semester ended or you are taking a break, moving back home becomes a hassle. So here are the ten stages of moving back home.
1. Packing and loading
The agony of packing your stuff and loading it into the car is the first part.
2. Finally getting some decent sleep
After any months away, you finally get home to your parents. Your room and comfy AF bed are waiting for you.
3. Taking forever to unload
After many trips back to the car, many boxes and bags unpacked later, you can finally say you’re home.
4. Your becomes your closet
Or you could just leave all your boxes, bags and luggage scattered around your bedroom, right? Not if your Mom has anything to say about it, which leads us to #5.
5. Being under parental supervision 24/7
Admit it, you miss the freedom you had back in college.
6. Limited liberty
You can’t go out as much as you used to.
7. You get to visit relatives you haven’t seen in awhile
Visiting your aunt or grandparents during this break is always on the list
8) Â Â Helping out with chores (even though you do them on your own)
You will always help with the chores.
9. Getting used to your parent’s lifestyle/routine all over again
Say hello to waking up at 7AM on a Saturday morning to the sounds of Marc Anthony–time to clean!
10. Packing and loading 2.0
After summer your break is over, it’s time to pack and load all over again, and be ready to repeat steps 1 through 4 when you arrive back on campus.