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12 Questions Your Family Will Ask On Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

The holiday season is upon us, and you know what that means!  We get a little time off and a lot of time with our families.  No matter how much we love ’em we can’t deny that they drive us crazy.  Get ready to answer some of the classic catch-up questions, which are bound to come up over a mouthful of turkey.

1. How’s school?

You have one or two choices: lie or tell the truth.

2.  What’s your major?

Hmm…well now that I’ve changed it like four times now…hold on give me a minute, I know this…

3.  What do you plan on doing with that?

This is a fan favorite.  You’ll hear this question about 17x more or less, and each time you’ll get flooded with more anxiety.

4.  What do you mean you don’t know?


5.  Seeing anyone special?

Yes, as a matter of fact I am.  A few, actually: Ben, Jerry, José, Jack.  Great guys.

6.  Have you been working out?

Does a ladybug cross her legs when she sits?

7.  Have you heard about *insert politically controvercial topic here*?

Abort. Abort. You have entered dangerous territory I REPEAT ABORT.

8.  Whatever happened to *insert your ex’s name here*?

There are some things that we just leave in the past, Grandma.

9.  Are you going to vote for Hillary Clinton?

Anything related to politics, I’m telling you, you will never be right.  It’s best to keep chewing, nod, and shrug.

10.  How are your grades?  You still on Dean’s List?  What’s your GPA?

You know that old saying “You win some, you lose some”?

11.  Really, no news in your love life?

Nope, unfortunately a burning romance has not sparked since you last asked me eight minutes ago.  

12.  What are you thankful for?

I am thankful for you wonderfully insane people.  Truly.  I love you.

URI Her Campus President, Campus Correspondent & Editor in Chief! Jersey Girl. Public Relations & Communication Studies double major. Class of 2O17. Usually at the beach, probably petting the closest dog.