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19 Pet Peeves That Drive Everyone Crazy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Everyone has that one thing (or many things) that just really ticks them off. It’s a natural part of human life. I’m talking about pet peeves. Watching other people and their weird habits can drive us a bit crazy. Usually, we just keep our mouths shut, but sometimes, you just gotta let it all out. 

1. When people ask questions within the last few minutes of class.

There is nothing worse. Please don’t be that person who makes the whole class stay an extra three minutes because you HAD to ask a question. There are better things I could be doing, like running into the future love of my life. Just kidding, but we can dream, right? I’m never getting those three minutes of my life back so, thanks a lot…

2. When someone tells the same story over and over again.

The first time I heard it, I cared. The second time, I was being nice. The third time? I’m sorry, I’m not listening anymore.

3. When people begin to tell you something and then they pull a “never mind.”

Thank you for personally killing the mood for me. What exactly changed within two seconds that compelled you to speak and then take it back? You will not be forgiven for it until you spill the beans.

4. When people read your texts over your shoulder.

If it was a message for you, I would have read it to you. Please have some respect for my space and personal messaging. 

5. When people are fake fans.

Girls, you can rep what you think your favorite team is during playoff season, but do you really know how the game works? Don’t pretend to be a die-hard fan and know everything about the team players, when all you really know is the name of the hottest player.

6. When people are slower than watching grass grow.

The ONE day you’re running late to class, it seems like people are moving at the pace of a snail. Nothing is worse then getting stuck behind someone who is walking like they don’t have a care in the world. Move it or lose it; I’ve got places to be and people to see.

7. When people brag about every LITTLE thing.

Yes, your new Louis Vuitton bag is nice. And so are your new shoes. Oh your boyfriend got them for you? Nice, but you don’t need to post about it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, AND Snapchat… And, no, I’m not just being bitter because my boyfriend didn’t get me anything.

8. When your phone charger starts to break.

When your phone charger starts to give out on you, nothing is worse than taking the extra 30 seconds wiggling the “neck” of the charger to try and get it to work. And when you finally do get it to work you can’t move it a single inch or it stops again. That neck cramp you’re about to get from sitting in that weird position so your phone doesn’t die is one of the worst pains known to man. You know what I’m talking about.

9. When people use unnecessary abbreviations.

It is not totes adorbs to say “totes adorbs.”

10. When people sneeze or cough into their hands.

We’re not trying to catch your germs and cold. Do it on the inside of your arm because it will save everyone from that dreaded health services visit. Also, every college student ever already thinks they’re suffering from mono, so you’re not helping. 

11. When people put TMI on social media.

Whether it’s a spoiler for your TV show or about your foot fungus; stay off social media. Let’s be real, half the time we’re scrolling through our feeds it’s to find pictures of cute dogs or funny Ellen videos. Nobody cares that you and you boyfriend say “I love you” and you’ve only been dating for two weeks.

12. When people cut lines.

You are no better than anything or anyone.

13. When people are rude for no reason.

It was all good vibes before you got here.

14. When people interrupt you while you are talking.

Stop stage hogging.

15. When people don’t say thank you for holding the door for them.

I was feeling polite today until you ignored my nice gesture. 

16. When people are smelly and/or have bad breath.

Perfume, toothpaste, and deodorant are a beautiful creation. Personal hygiene is important for me, but mostly for you.

17. When people chew loudly.

Chew with your mouth closed, and there will be no problems.

18. When people talk during movies or TV shows.

I’ve been waiting for weeks for this debut, it would be greatly appreciated if you held your comments until after the movie. I can’t hear over your dumb questions!!!

19. When people ask to try your food at a restaurant.

I would have ordered a meal and a half if I wanted you to have a little snack. Don’t underestimate me.

I'm willing to make anybody smile. I write to show how I chase happiness, contain & maintain positivity, express love and thought, and pursue strength and stability.