While Rhody Pride runs deep through every students veins, we all know nothing is perfect. Ask us how much we love our school and we will ensure you this is the best place in the world. Ask us about some things that bother us, and the list will be just as long. If you attend URI, you know exactly what I mean. If you need a refresher, take a look at this list:
1. Crowded RIPTA busses
2. Hand scanners at the dining hall. Actually, the dining hall in general. Please refer to this article for a complete list of struggles.
3. Parking, parking services, and the parking lots. (All of the above.)
4. Campus officials refusing to salt the walkways for “environmental reasons”.
5. Sakai, and how it crashes about one to one hundred times a day.
6. Campus wifi, better known as URI_Secure. (PSA: I have lost connection three times already while writing this article.)
7. Countless failed attempts to get into the bars before you’re actually 21. Dear freshman, just don’t.
8. Having to take a class on the Providence campus.
9. No pets allowed in off campus housing. Ha – yeah right. I see a bunny, dog, and a fish, and that’s just in one house.
10. All the restaurants that DON’T take Ram Account. Why must you do this to us?! Cough cough, Bagelz and Simply Thai…
11. The dreaded orange sticker when living down the line.
12. All Rhode Island bars close at 1 a.m. Enough said.
13. The changing speed limits on the way to and from campus. “I’m sorry I was driving 55mph in a 35, officer, but the speed limit was 50 three seconds ago.”
14. Faculty and staff parking lots. To risk getting towed or not to risk getting towed?
15. The tow trucks. You can park in the correct lot and still worry about this.
16. That one specific sports team that just cannot win…
17. Potholes. Potholes, everywhere.
18. The Memorial Union Ballroom parties. Stop trying to make fetch happen.
19. “I’m not in Greek life, so that makes me a GDI – God Damn Independent.”
20. Or, just the opposite, “Greek life over every-thang.”
21. Never being mentioned on URI Crushes.
22. Being the only person in your friend group from California when everyone else is from New Jersey or Rhode Island.
23. When your best friend goes abroad for the semester. Oh, the places you will go.
24. The amount of times the URI Emergency Alert system calls you when classes get cancelled.
25. All the new students that will never have the chance to meet Nonni, the lovely little lady from CVS. Rest in peace, you beautiful soul!
26. The twitter account, URI Bananas. No comment.
27. You’re a freshman. You don’t drink, you don’t smoke, you don’t party. Plot twist: you still manage to get written up by your RA.
28. Narragansett Police and your 60-year old neighbors.
29. URI Advisors. Well, the entire advising program in general.
30. When you wake up with a sore throat and head to health services and they convince you you’ve caught Ebola, or some other deathly disease.
31. The $4 it costs you to get over the Newport Bridge.
32. The $4 it costs you to get back.
33. Swipe into the dining hall and it’s all you can eat. But, don’t expect to leave smelling like anything less than a grilled cheese and french fries.
34. Seeing every single person you’ve ever met in your entire college experience at Stop and Shop in Wakefield.
35. “No Uber available.” Come on, Uber. I believed in you.
36. And, last but definitely not least… The fact that the closest Chipotle is more than 30 minutes away. You’re killing me, Smalls.