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4 Stages of Going Home as a College Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

In college, you want nothing but freedom, but it is always nice to have a weekend away from the craziness of campus and back in your hometown where the bagel place knows your order and you get friendly waves from familiar faces. Here are the four stages that every college student goes through when returning back to their hometown.


The Drive

Photo by Mark Jefferson Paraan on Unsplash


For some going home might just mean a quick hour drive well others may include a train, plane or bus to get back. Whatever the case is, most of the time you want the travel back home to go quickly without any hiccups. There are some of us that have to deal with traffic going through cities while others can take a more scenic route and avoid the traffic at all costs. But it’s all worth it when you see your final exit and are officially homeward bound.


The Arrival




If your parents are anything like mine then they are completely overjoyed to see that you are not only in their presence but also alive even if you Facetimed them at the beginning of the week. However, your mom may not be as thrilled when she sees your hamper filled to the brim with dirty laundry. Then the questions start and there is no way to put a stop to them.






Let’s be honest, there is no point of unpacking when you are just going to have to pack everything back up. I know when I go home for a long weekend most of the time I just live out of my duffel bag for the weekend because honestly what is the point of unpacking for three days just to pack it all back up?



Making of Plans


Not only are your parents excited to see you, but your friends are equally excited to see you, as well. This is when the group messages start flowing in trying to accomplish a solid plan to all hang out and catch-up. If your friends are anything like my home friends you will always seem to pick up right where you left off and fill them in on all other aspects of your lives. The tricky part sometimes is finding enough time to fit in all the plans you need in a short three day/night span.


The Departure/Packing

You are ready to go back to your freedom. Your mom, however, does not want you to leave (sorry mom). You rush around the house trying to get all your laundry back and hope that you get everything before rushing out the door. You double check to make sure you are leaving with everything that you came with but you ALWAYS end up with extra stuff whether it is snacks or clothes that you forgot from the last time you were home. Your parents say their goodbyes and tell you to have a good week or a safe drive and to not forget to text them when you get back to campus. And just like that your weekend at home is over and back to reality you go!


I'm Natalie Prisco and I am a Senior at the University of Rhode Island majoring in Kinesiology on the Physical Therapy track. I am one of the Campus-Correspondents at URI. In my free time you can catch me going to the gym, hanging out with friends or binge watching Netflix.