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5 “Decorations” That Are Only Acceptable In College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

There is a undeniable pattern when it comes college decor–we have our own culture–and although it may change a bit school to school or person to person, our not-so-trendy trends only appropriately exists among our cheap-beer soaked area rugs. Love ’em while you can, because after these sweet four years of college come to a bitter end, it will be time to ditch these “decorations”.

1.  Christmas Lights

Taping a border of tree-green-wired lights to the top of your ceiling only counts as an acceptable lighting fixture for those who plan on squeezing 30+ sweaty people in their rented bungalo.  This dim lighting alternative sets the perfect ambiance for a house party and says, “Beer pong this way.”

2.  Flags

Whether you’re a reppin’ country, fraternity/sorority, or an ironic pot-leaf American flag, these do not fly (get it, fly?) post-grad.  You’re going to have to find another place to pose for pictures.

3.  Flowers in empty alcohol bottles

Okay, I do like the way sunflowers look in an empty Jack Daniels bottle, but if you’re planning on being a real adult hosting dinner parties or having collegues, then floral arrangements in crushed containers will not impress.

4.  Graveyards

Sure the collection of empty booze bottles might wow the visitors of your college crib, but there comes a point in life when flaunting your ability to kill three dozen bottles of Barefoot White Zinfandel in one month becomes less impressive and more concerning.

5.  Inappropriate Posters

You might want to ditch the cupcake poster with the candle in it that says “Blow Me” when you move out senior year.  I know, it makes me sad too. 

URI Her Campus President, Campus Correspondent & Editor in Chief! Jersey Girl. Public Relations & Communication Studies double major. Class of 2O17. Usually at the beach, probably petting the closest dog.