It is inevitable that you will have to take an 8 a.m. class at some point in your college career. I have unfortunately taken one every semester since I’ve been enrolled. And let me tell you, they are just as horrible as they sound. From having to set your alarm wicked early to running to class so you won’t be late, it is all just horrible.
*Photo Courtesy of Pexels*
1. You have to set your alarm at the crack of dawn
*Photo Courtesy of Brandi Redd on Unplash*
I typically am one to sleep in as late as possible, so having to wake up at 6:30 a.m. to go to a boring class is not fun. I usually set my alarm for an hour to an hour and half before my class starts. This gives me a decent amount of time to lay in my bed and go on all social media for about 45 more minutes until I have to run out the door at 7:53 a.m.
Spoiler: Yes, this really did happen to me.
Try your best to not be like me and set your alarm extra early so that you won’t miss your class.
2. Physically getting out of bed
*Photo by HS Lee on Unplash*
This is a tough one, especially when we’re entering the colder months and the only place you want to be is your bed. When it’s about negative 20 degrees outside, I promise you won’t want to leave the warmth of your bed. All you will want to do is hit snooze and roll back over under the covers, but unfortunately, this isn’t going to help you pass the class. If you’re lucky like me, your roommate will have an 8 a.m. on the same days as you and will make sure you are up and out on time.
3. Not having any time to eat a good breakfast
If you’re like most college students, you won’t want to wake up early to go eat breakfast. You would rather just roll out of bed in sweats and a t-shirt and make the dreaded trek across campus. If you remember, you’ll grab a granola bar from your snack bin, but if you don’t, then everyone around you will hear your stomach growling. If you wake up early enough, I recommend trying your best to get to the dining hall. Even if you just go in to grab a banana or a muffin, it will definitely make a difference in your morning.
4. Trying not to wake your roommate up
It takes skill to master this struggle. It literally sucks when you have an 8 a.m. but your roommate is sound asleep because their first class isn’t until noon. You have to silence your alarm as soon as you can in hopes that they don’t wake up from it and get pissed at you. You also have to tip toe out of bed, trying your best to avoid the squeaks of the bed springs.
Yet, the absolute worst part is having to get ready in the dark. If you’re smart, you will remember to pick out your clothes the night before so that you don’t end up blindly picking a groutfit from your wardobe.
5. Making it to class on time
*Photo by Breather on Unplash*
Once you are awake, out of bed and fully dressed in a matching outfit, the next step is making it out the door on time. You need to give yourself an ample amount of time to get to class because I am sure you will be super tired and dragging yourself along to class. Don’t walk too slow, because you don’t want to be that awkward student strolling into class 10 minutes late. You’ll definitely get stared at by everyone, including your professor.Â