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Everything You Need to Hear About Your Past and Moving On

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

The past is the past. Pause for a second and realize what life is all about. When it comes to falling down, you don’t just stay laying there because getting up and moving on with your day is important. What happened before today is just another stepping stone to the next path of your life. There comes a point in time where you can’t stand what has happened in your past. What I’m here to tell you is, that life is a work in progress and it’s okay to be upset over things from days, months or years prior. There’s more to life than re-living ccertain times that tear you apart. It’s all about how you persevere through it. 

I can’t stress enough to move forward and leave behind a chapter that ended and shouldn’t be relevant to you. Never open an old door for someone or something from the past because it delays you from taking the next big step in your life. We all feel defined by our past because they are the lesson’s we’ve learned.

Most of the time, we all need a little push in the right direction. So here’s some tough love for you; just face it, embrace it and move on.  I don’t want you to ever give up, I want what’s best for YOU. Everyone should want what’s best for themselves. When you are sad, cry it out, feel what you’re feeling, but focus on cheering yourself up. Do not torture yourself.

Don’t give up on anything that once made you happy. Learn from it.

Never give up on love, but give up on the person who gave you a reason to have a stronger heart and walk away. Never give up on being you. Never get so caught up, downing in sorrow. Never loose sight of yourself. Maybe you were hurt beyond repair, but hurt happens for a reason. It’s telling you to wake up, take a fresh breath air of beauty and move on.

There is no reason to mourn over what has hurt, left or happened to you because it prevents you from being genuinely happy. If it was meant to be, it would have been. Love your past. Avoid the negatives. Focus on setting the best standards for yourself.

It’s time to start moving forward, knowing who we are, what we want, where we are and what we’re worth. Here’s to what your past will do for you.

You’ll navigate heartache and you will come out feeling okay. You can do it.

Realization of the wrong decisions, happen for you to explore through the right ones.

Some of the greatest people in your life become extremely important to you. They will help you and stay with you through some rough patches and experience the time of your life with you.

Your past forces you to surround yourself with positivity and things you love.

You gain confidence, comfort, and self-acceptance.

You’ll start loving yourself and stop rejecting compliments.

The more you love yourself, the more you allow others to love you for all of who your are.

You’ll become a more open person who is more understanding and accepting.

You become the motivation and help for other people feeling low.

Become your own number one fan. Forget about what could have been and start thinking about Despite how life just doesn’t go your way, you will always have wonderful memories to reflect upon nostalgically. It’s in your hands to become the person you truly want to be based on the lessons learned in your past. 

I'm willing to make anybody smile. I write to show how I chase happiness, contain & maintain positivity, express love and thought, and pursue strength and stability.