No matter what people tell you, college is hard. Some classes may be easier than others, but still, it’s hard and A LOT of work. You might be lucky and be a good guesser when it comes to homework problems and exams, but let me tell you…you will do way worse than you thought (sometimes).
Through my experiences as an undergraduate I have found new ways to be a better student. Here are some helpful tips that will help you pass that horrible class that you might just be failing right now.
*Photo by Jazmin Quaynor
1. Start studying early
In previous semesters I have waited to study until I only had 2-3 days before my exam. I 10/10 do not recommend doing this. After each week, or even each class, review *everything* you learned. When you go to study for an exam, you will find that you already remember a lot of the material. I would recommend studying for exams 5-7 days in advance!
2. Do work for each of your classes every dayÂ
Last semester, I went to a seminar (for extra credit of course) to learn how to study effectively. One technique I really liked was to try to do homework/study for each of your classes everyday. Even if it’s for 30 minutes or less, you’ll keep all of your classes fresh in your mind by taking this extra step.
3. Take advantage of extra credit whenever possible
I love extra credit, as do most college students. It is a rare thing, but when it’s offered, DO IT! I went up an entire letter grade in one of my classes solely because of extra credit. Some teachers really care about you and are happy to give you opportunities to improve your grade. Don’t pass them up just because you’re lazy!
4. Study with a buddy
I am sure most of you have a friend or two that is in your major and has a similar schedule. You should definitely collaborate with these people to complete homework and study for quizzes/tests. They might understand something that you don’t, and vice versa! Help each other out! We *all* want to finish this semester so we can welcome summer stress-free.Â