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How to Survive Midterms Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Midterm week? Wasn’t it syllabus week yesterday? Yes, that time of the semester is here. Midterm week is a dreadful time of tests, papers and practically drowning in Razzbulls. Yes, I’m talking to you, procrastinators. This week is the week that comes out of nowhere and slaps you in the face. It’s the time where pulling all-nighters in the lib and studying for 4 tests at a time is acceptable.

When finally sitting yourself down, attempting to soak in as much information as possible, your heart drops a little inside thinking about what you’re about to get yourself into. You can do it, keep your eyes on the prize. Halloween weekend is just around the corner. Think about going out with no worries or cares about the dreadful work.

Midterm week is all in your head. Yes, the reality of passing all the examinations and papers are a huge deal, but it’s the way you prepare is how you will achieve the grade you want. Through out the endless hours of hardcore studying, we need to realize that all of this work is totally worth it. Getting through midterm week is a struggle, but doable.

Stay Optimistic

First things first, you need to remember that there is more to life than stressing over this. Staring at your wall might make you a little bit loopy, but avoid loosing sight of the important outcome of midterm week. It’s in your power to do well on all of your exams. The effort you put in is the fantastic grade you get out of it. Land that A+. The key phrase that will push you through is “It’s another minute closer to being done.”

Prepare & Make Time For Reflection

Step away from your phone for just a few hours (you can do it!) and break out the your Lily planners. Figure out how to manage your time wisely. Leaving everything until the last second will only stress you out. Also, taking breaks inbetween long period of studying will give your brain a break. Completing all your work and studying sporadically is the way to go.

Get Plenty of Rest

Sleep is extremely important through out midterm week. Failing to get the rest you need for exams will cause you to be drowsy and not in the right state of mind to take it. Attempting or pulling an all-nighter may be the answer for some people, but for most its not. Your stress will shoot through the roof without bedtime. Allow yourself to have time to unwind before bed rather than falling asleep with flashcards in your hand.

Balance Healthy Food & Comfort Food

When being overwhelmed with your workload, remember to take a meal break. A long study session will be unsuccessful without a calzone here and there. Also a salad if you’re feeling healthy. Prepare snacks and make sure you have everything around you close by to munch on. NEVER FORGET ABOUT YOUR BRAIN FOODS!

Do What Makes You Happy

Your body is going to need some quality indulgence in relaxation and pampering. Go get your nails done, eyebrows waxed, do your hair and engage yourself in an enjoyable activity to decrease your anxiety or stress levels. Going to the gym, taking zumba and any fitness class will get your body moving and keep up with the cramming that is going on in your brain. Throw a dance party with your roommates when you all finish studying. There’s nothing better.


It will be worth it when you put all the proper time and effort for your work.

You can do it, Rams! You’ll be walking out of the test rooms knowing you did great in no time. Happy studying.

I'm willing to make anybody smile. I write to show how I chase happiness, contain & maintain positivity, express love and thought, and pursue strength and stability.