Ashley Pociadlo
Facebook Manager
Age: 20
Year: Senior (2018)
Hometown: Meriden, CT
Major: Health Studies
HC URI Position: Social Media Manager (FB)
Tagline: Always on the hunt for a little more.
A quote you live by: “This too shall pass”
Describe yourself in 3 words: Extroverted, perseverant, dedicated!
Which fruit would you be and why? Probably a pomegranate, because there’s a lot more inside than what originally meets your eye.
Something on your bucket list: Own a dog.
What’s your dream job? Social worker.
If you could eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life, what would it be? This restaurant in Las Vegas that had the best hot and sour soup I have ever had.
If you could go to one place it the world RIGHT NOW, where would it be? Okemos, Michigan to visit my boyfriend Mike!