Dear Rhode Island Driver,
No disrespect, I love your state and I love you. I just generally hate the way you manage to ruin my day during my daily commute, because you fail to drive like an intelligent member of society.
The Out-Of-Stater
P.S. Â Here’s a few things you do that really make me want to drive off the Claiborne Pell Newport Bridge.
1. Â You cut me off.
2. Â You follow the speed limit as if God himself carved it in stone.
3. Â You don’t use your blinkers.
4. Â You’re slow.
5. Â You veer ALL THE WAY TO THE LEFT to make a RIGHT turn.
6. Â Still no blinker…
7. Â You go 5mph under the speed limit in the left lane.
8. Â You cut me off again.
9. Â No, seriously, move faster.
10. Â Don’t you have anywhere to go????