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Rhode Rage: The Stages Of Driving Behind A Local

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Dear Rhode Island Driver,

No disrespect, I love your state and I love you. I just generally hate the way you manage to ruin my day during my daily commute, because you fail to drive like an intelligent member of society.


The Out-Of-Stater

P.S.  Here’s a few things you do that really make me want to drive off the Claiborne Pell Newport Bridge.

1.  You cut me off.

2.  You follow the speed limit as if God himself carved it in stone.

3.  You don’t use your blinkers.

4.  You’re slow.

5.  You veer ALL THE WAY TO THE LEFT to make a RIGHT turn.

6.  Still no blinker…

7.  You go 5mph under the speed limit in the left lane.

8.  You cut me off again.

9.  No, seriously, move faster.

10.  Don’t you have anywhere to go????

URI Her Campus President, Campus Correspondent & Editor in Chief! Jersey Girl. Public Relations & Communication Studies double major. Class of 2O17. Usually at the beach, probably petting the closest dog.