Whether we’re bored in class, bored at home, going through our morning scroll or scrolling before bed, social media is a main form of entertainment for us college girls. While it’s fun to stalk our friends or just anyone we follow, there are many other enjoyable accounts you might be missing out on. Most of us could use a laugh or advice that the real world simply isn’t giving us. Looking to social media for an escape from reality is the perfect way to brighten your day. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, advice, or a good laugh, these accounts know what’s up. Here are just a few accounts that if you’re not following, well, you’re doing it wrong.
On Instagram:
1. @girlwithnojob
2. @betches
3. @female
4. @pretendblonde
5. @hercampusuri
On Twitter:
1. @whitegrlproblem
2. @uberfacts
3. @shitgirlssay
4. @drunkgirllife
5. @hercampusuri
This is just a sneak peak of what these accounts are like. Go follow them and you will find out the real reason why most girls are smiling at their phone in class.