Throughout my life, I’ve always wanted to be involved. In elementary school and middle school, it was every sport under the sun, from dance and cheerleading to soccer, basketball and softball. Then came high school, I was still dancing, however, I decided to get involved in other ways besides athletics. I got more involved in clubs such as yearbook, student council, peer leaders, and National Honor Society. I loved being able to help out in all different ways and getting to know more people through different clubs. I knew when attending college this past fall, I wanted to continue my involvement, and Her Campus was one club that helped me achieve that goal.
As some of you may know, I am a part of Greek life, however, I wanted to be a part of more than just that. I’ve always had a love for creative writing, and when I heard of Her Campus, I knew it was something I wanted to join. Being a part of Her Campus has been nothing but incredible since I have joined. Writing articles every week has been so enjoyable, and a way for me to be creative in my own way. It allows me to write about whatever may be on my mind whether it is missing my friends at home, trying to study for finals or having roommate troubles, I can easily write about them all. And just as much as I am trying to educate or make suggestions for my readers, I am also able to educate myself.
So due to this being my last article for a while, I wanted to thank Her Campus. Thank you for allowing me to write about whatever I choose and thank you for making it possible for me to be involved in yet another amazing club.