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Times Your Best Friend Loved You When You Forgot to Love Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

There are high and low moments in everybodys life. How do YOU personally greet these moments? Not everything we go through is easy, and sometimes things aren’t always  “okay”.

“You have to love yourself first, so you know what your self-worth is & what you deserve.”

We’ve all heard it, and it makes sense: when you don’t love yourself, you spend too much time seeking validation from other sources you think make you happy. Seeking validation will only bring you down. Happiness comes naturally to those who let it happen that way. A friend told me that once, and I live by it.  The not-so-great moments are bound to happen to anyone, but who is there at the end of the day to have your back? Your friends.

Flashback to a time in high school where the one person you wanted to go to prom with was asked by your enemy, and you couldn’t help but sit there and cry, not knowing what to do with yourself. Or when all you wanted to do was fit in, your body was going through weird phases, and you couldn’t help completely b*tching out your younger brothers when you had friends over. Who was there inbetween these moments of high and low? Your friends.

We all go through these moments; you lose your job, you’re stressed, your heart gets broken, your teacher seems like he/she is out to get you, you seem to do the “right thing” in the moment and then it backfires. We live in a world where these moments keep you from loving and appreciating every bit of yourself.

You become this mean and not so great person during these times but there’s always one person who never fails to love you through the lows: your best friend.

Here’s to all the times she loved you when you forgot to love yourself.


When you didn’t get the internship or job…

…And she helped you realize what your dreams are and to keep trying

When you didn’t get the love you wanted back from the guy…

…And she reminded you that you can’t waste your time on a**holes

When you needed to figure out the perfect lie…

…And she was there with the perfect plan

When you had too much to drink and woke up feeling like an idiot with no recollection of the night…

…And she was there cheering you on the next day telling you how epic it was that you didn’t throw up

When you heard rumors getting started about you…

…And she was the one to switch the story around to backfire on someone else

When it was that time of the month…

…And she was the one paitently waiting for you in your room with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, wine, and Mean Girls

When body image was your obsession…

…And she was there to tell you the Chipotle run was worth it and that an image doesn’t define beauty

When you didn’t want to be in your house after a huge fight with your family…

….And she was there with open arms and a bed set up for you hours ago

When you made a mistake and the knot in your stomach was eating you alive…

….And she was there to listen to your venting and side of the story

When you let someone else define your happiness and who you are…

….And she was there to slap you in the face and make you realize the only thing that matters is how YOU feel

When the cool group denied you…

….And she was outside of that group making her own “cool”

When you tried on everything in your closet and felt like NOTHING looked good…

….And she was there to boost your confidence and tell you how hot you look

When you felt like failing…

….And she was there to motivate you no matter what your situation was 

When you felt more alone in a crowded room…

…. And she made you realize that there wouldn’t be anyone else to go through these “highs” and “lows” with.

Cheers to your best friend. Keep her and never let her go. 

I'm willing to make anybody smile. I write to show how I chase happiness, contain & maintain positivity, express love and thought, and pursue strength and stability.