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Why Optimistic People Live A Successful Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Staying positive isn’t the easiest thing to do, especially when you’re faced with hardship and obstacles that blind you from positivity. It’s how you take one step at a time to get through certain days. Tired of being a “debby downer” all the time? Hang out with an optimist. 

How do you make the most of your day? Do you look at the glass half full or half empty? Half full should always be your answer. Despite the fact you have setbacks as part of your day; whether it’s because you have 2 tests tomorrow, or you received a lower grade than you imagined, there’s a way to surpass the negativity. The solution is optimism. Optimism is the hopefulness and confidence you have about the future. It’s the belief that good things will come running to you even though things haven’t gone your way. Success follows the people who allow positivity and optimism to embrace them. By success I mean, having a successful day, month, year and life. So start smiling people! Take a step back and enjoy living in the moment.

They see challenges as temporary and work harder.

We live in a world filled with constant change and temporary setbacks will eventually be old news. An optimist approaches challenges as new lessons that will lead them to a better solution. Pessimism hinders one’s ability to engage in improvement. Optimists always put their best foot forward and will never let trail and error keep them from knowing positive will show up soon. Optimists are skilled at capturing and creating opportunities. 

They’re your motivators, inspirations and leaders.

When you have devastating news to accept, the people who surround you will be the ones teaching you what path to take. They exemplify optimism at its finest because they don’t like seeing other people be left in the dark. Optimistic people will never let you or themselves down, so always make sure you have that friend who never fails to put a smile on your face. Those people will be by your side for life and are there for amazing reasons. Optimists adopt a resilient attitude that transforms bad luck into good, so make sure to take notes on their decisions on a bad day. They make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition.

They’re tons more fun to be around.

Without question, optimistic people are the life of the party. They are genuinely happier, healthier, contagious and more approachable/attractive people. Their energy impacts everyone and draws them in to want to be around them. They radiate F.U.N. We are drawn to those people who display positivity and optimism because they make every aspect of your day that much better. You feed off their greatness and will be influenced to be as successful as possible. Who doesn’t want to have or be the optimistc friend in the group? 

Basically, where some people see obstacles, others see possibilities. Successful people are less likely to place limits on themselves and wind up having a wonderful life worth living.

The downs of the day aren’t percieved as negatives within the eyes of an optimist. I advise you to attempt the optimistic life because it will factor in creativity, inspiration, a sense of peacefulness, desirable impressions from others and empowerment in all aspects of life! All you have to do is seek a positive future, forget about the issues bringing you down, breath deeper, ditch the downers, give yourself some me-time, and embrace what life is offering you.

Remember; there is always a way out. Start forming your path to success and you’re on your way to optimism.

I'm willing to make anybody smile. I write to show how I chase happiness, contain & maintain positivity, express love and thought, and pursue strength and stability.