Aries- Lemonades
Known as a very fiery and zesty sign, what is more, zesty than lemon? This cookie will be sure to pack a punch, just like an Aries when you first meet them.
Taurus- Trefoils
Known to be stubborn, a Taurus will defend what they believe is right. Many avid Trefoils fans believe this cookie is superior to MANY others and defend this opinion as a true Taurus would.
Gemini- Samoas
Some people rave about this cookie while others find the coconut in it to be too out there. Geminis are a very out there sign that needs the unpredictable coconut to excite them.
Cancer- The other S’mores
No not that s’mores one, the one that is covered in a nice layer of melted chocolate. Similarly, a Cancer has a kind of emotional shell on the outside.
Leo- S’mores
This is one of the newest, flashiest cookies and what better words to describe a Leo than flashy?Â
Virgo- Thanks-a-Lot
Virgo’s put a lot of effort into making things perfect, so why not return the favor with a Thanks-a-Lot cookie? Sometimes Virgos need a reminder that their hard work is appreciated.
Libra- Caramel Chocolate Chip
What’s better than a reliable chocolate chip cookie? How about adding a little bit of flirty caramel to it! Libras are known for their naturally flirty personalities so what better cookie to represent them?
Scorpio- Thin Mints
Many people say Scorpios are very intense and do you know what else is intense? The minty and chocolatey goodness of a Thin Mint. This isn’t your ordinary cookie, and Scorpios don’t tend to like the ordinary.Â
Sagittarius- Toffee-tastic
Known to be adventurous, Toffee is not an average cookie flavor and a Sagittarius is not your average zodiac sign. A Sagittarius likes to take risks, so why not risk it and try this cookie?
Capricorn- Do-Si-Dos
Capricorns aren’t known for their vibrancy or their ability to stand out, but they are known for being very reliable. Do-Si-Dos are a very reliable cookie that offers a little something different with peanut butter, but they don’t stray too much from the norm.
Aquarius- Tagalongs
An Aquarius can very often be described as eccentric, and Tagalongs are also a little nutty (literally, they have peanut butter). This is a very unique type of cookie and an Aquarius is a very unique sign.
Pisces- Lemon Ups
Pisces are dreamers and the inspirational messages on Lemon-Ups will have you living your wildest dreams. Pisces can have a bright essence similar to the lemon flavor you get from this cookie!