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5 Halloween Hangover Cures

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USC (AU) chapter.

You don’t have to say or even think it – you partied all night, maybe drank too much and now you have a massive hangover! But not to worry, Her Campus USC is here to help!

Halloween Hangover Cure #1

Laughter is always the best medicine. No seriously…but only after taking panadol ofcourse! The first thing you should do to cure your hangover is squeeze half a lemon in a warm glass of water, then drink it before you eat anything. Some people can’t eat the next day anyway but some can. If you can eat, you should eat something with starch in it. Like vegemite on toast or nutella, peanut butter, anything you can stomach over bread. With your breakfast drink a coconut water popper. The H2 ones are the best on the market and I drink one every morning!

Halloween Hangover Cure #2

The next thing you should do is take panadol or nurofen if your still feeling the headache. It’s always the easiest way to get rid of one. If you’re not keen on the hangover drugs, then go outside for some fresh air and just sit outside in the sun with a cold glass of orange if you didn’t have any coconut water in the house.

Halloween Hangover Cure #3

Thirdly, you should either have another lie down to ease your stomach or go for walk. You could walk your dogs or just go for a 5-10 minute walk to clear your head. Maybe meet up with some friends who are in the same boat!

Halloween Hangover Cure #4

Next, Hit the beach! Either with friends, your family or by yourself. Lay on that sand or go for a swim! I command you! If you don’t live near the water, try going for a walk to your local shops in the air conditioning or take a towel and go lay down outside in your backyard. You could even turn on some relaxing tunes…

Halloween Hangover Cure #5

Lastly, make sure you have a healthy lunch. Get the antioxidants back into your body! Drink lots of water all day and have a small dinner. You should be right as rain by the afternoon anyway!


Jasmin Maastricht is a third year Journalism student at USC, the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the Her Campus chapter at USC, as well as being one of the 2013 USC Student Mentor's, freelancing for online publication WeekendNotes and interning for Australia's number one online fashion store, Fashionfile. Her passion is Journalism but besides that, Jasmin has always had a strong interest in fashion and entertainment, completing six weeks of work experience with Noosa 101.3fm Community Radio Station and has had the amazing opportunity of working with Australia's number one teenage lifestyle magazines, DOLLY in April 2011 and again in April 2013 and Girlfriend in February, 2013. She has also scored herself internships with the Sunshine Coast's local newspaper, the Sunshine Coast Daily and with Caboolture News. She has been working with both papers eight months now. She has previously worked with Darby Radcliff with the Her Campus Ole Miss chapter while on exchange in Mississippi as well as working with the M s Observer magazine and has never looked back. Email Jasmin at jasminmaastricht@hercampus.com for any questions or getting involved at Her Campus USC or contact her via social media. HCXO!