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10 ‘I’m Just a Girl’ Movies to Watch This Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

If you’re anything like me, the beginning of fall ignites a pettiness within you. As the metaphorical leaves change colors (I live in Florida), so do my moods. Gone is the carefree, down-to-earth girl of the summer who brushed off any stress and let the sun shine away all her problems. In her place is someone who bears an uncanny resemblance to Blair Waldorf. Drama and gossip excite me, peace is replaced by scheming, and I can’t be held responsible for any of my questionable decisions. I’m just a girl, after all. To keep me in that spirit, along with a Gossip Girl rewatch and having Sabrina Carpenter on repeat, here are some movies I’ll be rewatching this fall to validate my “just a girl” tendencies. 

Death Becomes Her

Other than the fact that there’s nothing more iconic than Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn starring in a horror comedy together, this movie has so many “just a girl” qualities. This 1992 comedy recently became popular again thanks to a Sabrina Carpenter music video, which I’ll admit is how I discovered it. However, on its own, Death Becomes Her is a hilarious commentary on society’s obsession with youth and beauty as well as how women are constantly pitted against each other by men who (apologies to Bruce Willis) are just way less attractive than we are. 

Do Revenge

I think of this one as Gen Z’s Cruel Intentions. A complicated plot involving several different tricks and seductions with an intriguing twist, it highlights just how far teenage girls are willing to go for revenge. As well as being a very visually appealing movie and the Sarah Michelle Gellar cameo, this movie emulates my need to be dramatic about everyone who has ever wronged me. 


A classic for a reason. Though I don’t need to say more, I’ll add that Veronica can do no wrong because I’d also believe every word coming out of Christian Slater’s mouth. Additionally, the dynamics between teen girls were perfectly captured.


Two vampire girls in college in New York, what more is there to say? This movie is not only hilarious, but makes perfect sense because I also ignore every red flag in relationships the same way Stacy ignores that her boyfriend’s last name is Van Helsing. 

Practical Magic

Though this movie is a lot less petty and dramatic, it is a comfort movie for me in fall or when I need to be reminded how beautiful girlhood can be. 

The Love Witch 

Because I am this dramatic in my romantic life. This movie is very aesthetically pleasing and I love the commitment to making it look like a film in the ’60s. But it’s also one I revisit because everything she does makes perfect sense to me, she’s just a girl.


Akin to Heathers both aesthetically and with its message on female friendships in your teens, this movie exudes “just a girl energy.” It’s nostalgic and hilarious, soothing the teen girl in me who was always wrapped up in petty drama and glossing over cruel things done to me and by me.

Jennifer’s Body

Megan Fox eating men. In addition to this, this is another movie that dissects the complexities of female friendships and jealousy at the same time as it serves to be a reminder that ultimately, it is always a man that ruins everything. 

The Craft

What’s better than teenage girls who are bullies? Teenage girls who are bullies and can do magic. The Craft is another classic fall favorite of mine because not only is it dark and intriguing, but I too would only pull petty pranks if I had been given the gift of magic at the age of sixteen.

All Cheerleaders Die

This movie is so satisfying to me to watch. Not only is it hilarious, campy, and a tiny bit gory, it also contains a message about women dealing with the consequences of the actions of men and uniting to get revenge (or well-deserved justice, in my opinion). I mean, even zombie cheerleaders can do no wrong because they’re still just girls. 

Hi! My name is Jasmine Rosario and I am a pre-law Sociology major with minors in political science and philosophy. I'm passionate about mental health, politics, and the way that people interact with one another. I love reading, writing, and talking to people about literally anything.