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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

The transition to college can be a significant moment in a person’s life. Despite the overwhelming changes —newfound freedom, a different schedule and lifestyle, new friendships, unfamiliar places, and sharing a room with a potential stranger — college offers a time for self-discovery, exploration, and pursuing passions. Instead of isolating in your dorm or endlessly scrolling on TikTok, it is essential to find ways to transform this new chapter into something delightful, magical, and charming. This transformation requires effort, so here are some lifestyle changes I incorporated to add a touch of whimsy to my college experience.

Dress good to feel good

For me, I cannot feel good throughout my day if I don’t dress up. I’m no fashionista, but putting on a cute outfit and going to class or to the library, gives me the boost I need throughout my day. You don’t have to dress up like you’re about to walk for New York Fashion Week, but dress in a way that you’re comfortable — you slay nonetheless. 

Attend events

You have to go out and have fun now that you’re dressed up all cute. Go to school events! You may think it’s lame to show school spirit or go to these events, but this is where you get to have the most fun. For me, when I went to our Bulls Nite Out: Back to Hogwarts, I had so much fun doing crafts, hanging out with friends, and eating good, free food. (Who doesn’t love free things?)

Become an influencer

Photos, photos, photos! Take lots and lots of photos and videos. One of my favorite things is to create photo and a video dumps of my favorite moments. Sometimes I even think of it like I’m taking photos for my future children. You have to let them know you were cool as a college freshman! Also, you’ll be able to go back and appreciate all the fun you had throughout your college journey.

Connect with nature

I’m not a big nature person because I hate bugs, but just find a cute spot on campus and enjoy the scenery. For me, I take the long journey to the Botanical Gardens and sit and enjoy the beautiful plants. That is until I get annoyed by the bugs. You can even take a walk around campus; just being outside can make college feel a little more charming.

🌻 Related: 5 Reasons to Visit USF’s Botanical Garden This Spring/
Make a daylist

Creating a playlist that fits your vibe throughout your school day will 100% make school feel like a movie. I have a playlist that reminds me of a rom-com so when I’m walking around campus and make eye contact with a guy, it’s like a movie scene. Of course, you can create anything you want; create your soundtrack because you can make your college experience like your own movie. 

Get crafty

Channel your inner cutesy, indie artist and become a crafter. I have not a single artistic bone in my body, so I go to club events where they have painting or crafts, that way I can have a cute, fun moment with friends (or alone) to enjoy being an artist. Imagine creating something you find cute with friends to relieve stress from a school day. Nothing beats doing fun crafts! 

Join clubs you love

Everyone says to join clubs and it’s the realest thing. Joining clubs is not only an easy way to make friends, but you’re doing things you love and having fun. Like the movies, you can experience doing things you enjoy, all while making friends. It can even be a club sport; I’m not athletic anymore, but sports are just as great to romanticize college as clubs. 

Study in iconic places

Since it’s fall and the weather is getting cooler, it’s the perfect time to be like Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls and study outdoors at a park or even on a blanket under a tree. This romanticizes college because studying outside makes it feel less daunting and more aesthetic and fun. It does get harder to focus, though, in my opinion.

Become a ‘downtown girl’

Grab some friends and explore the city. You can dress up cute, take pictures, go to a cute cafe, and see things you haven’t. This will help you break free from being trapped on campus and get to see so much more of your new second home. 

Journey to Self-discovery

College is not always about academics, but all about your self-discovery journey. Not everyone has their life figured out when they go to college, so college is that time. You can be who you want. You could pretend to be British if you wanted and no one would know. Break out of your comfort zone and learn and do new things!

I’m Tamiyah and I’m from Atlanta, Georgia. I have the pleasure of being a freshman at the University of South Florida majoring in journalism! I’ve written for a couple of things such as Diamond Gazette Magazine and Revision Dojo. One of my favorite hobbies is writing, mainly short stories! Any genre too! I want to explore more than romance or fantasy and dive into psychological. Besides writing, I love taking pictures of beautiful scenery, traveling and exploring places that I’ve never been to!