Our significant others are amazing individuals and deserve gifts that are just as amazing as them; however, most of the time you really cannot afford to pamper and spoil your loved ones with materialistic possessions on a student budget. Instead, how about you pamper them with love and affection by creating a gift that reminds them of why they are the most amazing person in the world? No matter what gender or sexual orientation you identify with, being reminded that you are the center of someone’s world is always a great feeling.
The following are listed from most difficult and time-consuming to least difficult and time-consuming:
The JarÂ
This is by far the most time consuming and difficult of the gift ideas, but it is also the best one in the long run. Basically, get a very large empty jar and a lot of colored paper. It works best with 4 colors. Assign each color a category, such as “Things that I love about you” or “Lyrics that remind me of us”. Next, cut a small piece of paper and write something that pertains to the category you assigned it. For example, if blue is “Things I love about you,” then you can write something like, “your kind eyes.”Â
You repeat this until you run out of paper or fill up the jar. Ideally, you want to have enough for every day of the year.
Photo courtesy of pinimg.com
The Letters
This is a great idea for those of us who are bad at responding to text messages or just bad at communication in general. The letters give you an opportunity to express how you feel without having to do it face to face. Also, your significant other can reread the letters whenever they choose.This is something you cannot do with spoken words.
To do this, pick a variety of colored envelopes and label them with titles starting with “Open when…” and adding an appropriate, or inappropriate, ending. Next, write a letter that fits the theme of the letter’s title. You can include things like glitter and photographs, just as long as the letter can close. For more ideas, you can check out Pinterest.
Photo courtesy of pinimg.com
The ScrapbookÂ
This idea is pretty much self-spoken. Personally, I think this is a great gift for individuals whose anniversary is under or exactly a year. The chapters of your scrapbook could be the months you guys have spent together. Include pictures, stickers, and colored paper to add to the overall tone of your message. Just remember to consider what your significant other’s tastes are like and what their high point in the relationship was.
Photo courtesy of pinimg.com
The Box of Memories
Create a time capsule that contains important moments in your relationship. You can take a regular shoe box and spice it up! The pros of this craft are that you can put various objects in your box, unlike the scrapbook or letters.
Photo courtesy of Etsy
The Walk Down Memory Lane
Basically combind the future, past, and present. For example, take them to a place near you that reminds them of their native culture or hometown and discuss the future. You can mold this by adding things such as gifts or your own personal preferences.
Photo courtesy of Cheap Adventure Gear