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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Thumbnail: Nutritional Vibrance

Coconut oil is a saturated fat that has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. It can be used to bring down inflammation or it can even be ingested. But coconut oil is not just for cooking, it has tons of other natural uses.

Sugar Scrub:

Instead of spending $20 on that exfoliating scrub, just pick up some coconut oil and sugar next time. Mix equal parts sugar and coconut oil in a bowl, then add some essential oils. My favorite essential oils to add are tea tree, lavender, and eucalyptus. Check out these recipes.

Photo: The Frugal Girls

Makeup Remover:

Coconut oil is the best makeup remover I have ever tried. It even removes waterproof mascara! I like it because it doesn’t leave a residue like most makeup removers.



Next time your skin, hair, or lips are feeling a bit dry, reach for some coconut oil. Coconut oil absorbs quickly into your skin and it isn’t as greasy as other moisturizers.


Shaving Cream:

Since coconut oil is a natural moisturizer, it’s a great alternative to shaving cream. To prevent razor bumps I usually use a coconut oil sugar scrub, use coconut oil as my shaving cream, and then I use it as a moisturizer after I get out of the shower. Since it’s antimicrobial, you don’t have to worry about razor bumps, or ingrown hairs!


Massage Oil:

Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties, so it’s a great massage oil. Mixed with some lavender and peppermint essential oils, it helps with sore muscles.

Photo: Beauty and the Mist

Coconut oil easily has at least 100 different uses and benefits as a food, skin care product, or even around the house. Just make sure you grab the non-hydrogenated kind at the store (hydrogenated means the fat is converted to a trans fat). Coconut oil a natural and inexpensive alternative for most of the beauty products you have that are taking up space on your vanity.​


Interests include but are not limited to: art, history, astrology, skin care, the french, politics (yikes), frank ocean, controversy and being extremely overdramatic.