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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Ever since I can remember, I have always loved talking to people. Perhaps it’s due to my bubbly and outgoing personality, but the joy a conversation brings, whether it’s a simple “hello” or a long rant session, always brings a smile to my face. Communication is a beautiful thing, often leading to friendships! While I constantly engage with new people and build relationships with those around me, I find navigating college challenging as I try to balance building new friendships and maintaining the relationships with my best friends back home, a task that can take months to master.

This semester is the first time I have moved away from home for college, stepping into a campus where I didn’t know anyone. This fresh start allowed me to make new connections and friends. While it can be a bit scary talking to people you don’t know, I absolutely love it! Most of the people I met were in various clubs I joined, where we shared common interests like writing or religion, which made conversations easier. For example, when I attended my first Her Campus meeting, I met some amazing girls, and we just started randomly asking each other questions, getting to know one another. During our simple chat, we ended up talking about events on campus and decided to go to a lecture series event together. We bonded more, which eventually led to a sweet friendship. It’s often just a little conversation that makes all the difference; had I not gone to that first HerCampus event, I wouldn’t have met these girls. Staying inside your dorm all day makes it hard to make connections, but being yourself allows you to encounter people who share your interests, possibly leading to friendships that will last a lifetime.

In the midst of an overwhelming semester and new friendships, it’s easy to lose touch with friends back home. As a very busy person, I prioritize communication to maintain my friendships. Communication is key, and without it, people can drift apart. For me, I like to check in with my friends through text or by randomly FaceTiming them, even if it’s just a simple “hello” and “how are you”; it makes all the difference. I know that when I receive a text from a friend, it brings a smile to my face, and I feel loved. I prefer FaceTiming to calling because it establishes a connection where I can see and hear my friend. It may be the closest I can get to being with them, which makes it all the more special.

Staying in contact with your friends, whether old or new, makes a huge difference. Communication lets the other person know that you care about them and that you value their friendship. If you make the effort to check in on your friends, you will not only maintain that relationship, but it will grow into a beautiful, deep connection that will last a lifetime.

Hi!! My name is Evelyn Kelley and I am a writer for the USF HC chapter. I have a great interest in writing and love to write about the world around me. I also love social media and interacting with others online. I am a Junior majoring in Psychology with a double minor in Criminology and Children's Behavioral Healthcare. In the future I plan to become a clinical psychologist for children and teens. I also hope to study abroad during my time at USF! Outside of USF and HC I love to thrift, spend time with my friends, and try new coffee shops! I also am a huge Swiftie and you can always find me at the beach :)