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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

I still remember the beginning of my freshman year of college; I was a mix of nerves and excitement as I made the trip down south, met my freshman roommate (who is now one of my closest friends!), and began my first semester of classes. Freshman year flew by, and now as a senior, my college memories are filled with great friends, occasional homework stress, and moments I’ll carry with me forever. Now, here I am, with only two semesters between me and walking across the graduation stage.

With graduation creeping closer, I can’t help but feel a little stressed about what’s to come about the uncertainties of adult life. What if I can’t find a job? What if I can’t afford my lifestyle? How far will I be from my family and friends? My mind tends to jump to the worst-case scenarios, and these thoughts can quickly become overwhelming.

Focusing too much on these worries can create the illusion that my future is out of my control, making it hard to stay level-headed. I’ve had to learn to give myself time to relax and ground myself. There are plenty of things I can do to keep my nerves in check. There are so many people to talk to who understand these concerns — professors, mentors, parents — they’ve been in this exact position before! I always feel a little better hearing about the different paths people have taken to get where they are today. It also helps to shift my thinking towards the positive. Yes, this can be easier said than done, but instead of focusing on the worst “what ifs,” why not focus on the best?

Post-grad life is going to be an adjustment, so I try to remind myself that it’s completely natural to feel conflicting emotions as graduation gets closer. I’m sure I’m not the only one dealing with these worries, and I hope someone else can find comfort in knowing they’re not alone.

I may not know exactly where my future will lead, but I’m trying to approach the unknown with a sense of excitement. Of course, I still feel nervous about what’s to come, but I’m taking it one day at a time and keeping the mindset that everything will work itself out. Who knows what amazing life events or close friendships I have yet to experience? I’m excited and ready to see where my future takes me.

Erin is a history major minoring in travel and hospitality. When she is not writing, she enjoys reading, hiking, and trying new recipes!