A lot of us struggle with selecting a major. I know I’ve recently changed my major from Criminology to Sociology. It was a frightening process, and admittedly I felt a bit ashamed. Regardless, I feel like it’s one of the best things I’ve decided to do for myself. Ever since, I’ve felt more aligned with myself and my goals, outside of my academic life I’ve found myself being happier too. For this reason, I’m here to encourage you to change your major if you find yourself feeling gloomy and unfulfilled.
The Myth of Sticking It Out
Toughing situations out doesn’t make your life any better. The common societal expectation of pushing yourself through mentally, physically, and emotionally draining situations only sets you back further than you initially were. Forcing energy from yourself that isn’t there isn’t honorable or respectable, but rather harmful and degrading. In the context of an academic setting, continuing to pursue a major that you consider boring or futile will only result in feelings of contempt and resentment, it may even get to a point where it begins to seep into your personal life. Picture yourself having to look back on your college life, and instead of happiness and pride, you face only grief and shame. It’s a horrible reality I wouldn’t wish on anyone, but to those facing it, I offer this: Don’t put yourself through any more pain. The burden of carrying societal and parental expectations can feel like the weight of a thousand stones, but the heaviness of regret lingers forever.
Your Happiness Matters
Studying content you hate is beyond detrimental to your happiness. Everyday tasks begin to feel like a job, and hobbies that once made you happy turn stale. Passion and enjoyment are key to leading a fulfilling life. Without them, it becomes difficult to see the positive things in life. While studying in college, you should feel alive with a sense of pride that should ultimately lead to positive advancements in your field. If not, there’s a level of academic success you’ll never achieve. Additionally, a field that is truly meant for you will also be missing out on all the great qualities you offer! Instead of staying in a major for the sake of it, consider moving out of your comfort zone to explore what possibilities exist. More times than not, you’ll find communities waiting to embrace you and your prowess.
Career Path Are Flexible
Contrary to popular belief, switching majors doesn’t result in the end of your prospective career. Various fields are intersectional, meaning a variety of degrees can all function effectively in their respective manners. For example, someone with a Finance degree might benefit equally as someone with a Business degree in a corporate setting. Not to mention, skills from the major you’re choosing to leave behind are transferable! Communication, organization, and writing skills (to name a few) are common in almost all majors, and they’re important traits to have. Therefore, although you’ve changed majors, there are still useful materials you can utilize moving forward instead of viewing a major switch as starting from zero.
Signs It’s Time to Change & Overcoming Fear
How should you go about determining whether a major switch is best for you? Well, do you find yourself under constant stress with a lack of motivation? Or maybe you’re constantly struggling in class no matter how hard you try, possibly even envying other students. If you find yourself experiencing these things, I would highly encourage you to consider speaking to your advisor for change. Trust me, I understand how terrifying and embarrassing the process can feel, but by talking to knowledgeable staff, you can begin to start feeling more reassured and less reluctant! Research possible majors well, evaluate course credits and graduation plans, do whatever you feel will aid in making the process a smoother transition. We tend to doubt ourselves when it comes to big decisions like these, but trust that you are more than capable at dictating your future.
All I wish for my fellow students is long-term happiness and fulfillment. While it may seem like it, changing your major is not a failure, but rather an empowering choice you make for yourself to ensure a future that makes you feel content. Don’t second guess yourself, take action now and believe in the best!