Photos: Cierra Craft
Thursday, February 1, 2018, Her Campus USF participated in an open house event at The Zimmerman School of Advertising and Mass Communications from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The event welcomed high school students, pre-Mass Communications students and students new to the “Z School” to learn more about the programs offered.
HCUSF spoke to students about the organization and positions offered on the team including writing, editing, social media, graphic design, PR and Event planning and finance. Students were excited to learn that the chapter is part of a national organization.
“I’m so grateful that we were able to participate, network and spread our Her Campus message out at the Spring open house,” says HCUSF Campus Correspondent Becky Smith.
HCUSF is dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusiveness on campus, as well as upholding the values of journalism. At its core, the organization is dedicated to women’s empowerment and social justice through its writing.
Attendees of the event could view the chapter’s website and able to read articles from writers about several topics including the recent ruling in the Larry Nassar trail, relationship tips and beauty.
“It was so amazing to see so many young men and women take interest in something that could jump start interests into their future careers,” says HCUSF Graphic Designer Kameryn Gannon. “Working at the open house allowed me to meet and network with so many faculty and staff as well as bonding with my fellow Her Campus members!”