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Meet Vicky and Brock

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Vicky Statzer: Sophomore, Architecture major
Brock Tupikow: Junior, Biology major
Together since: September 23, 2011

Vicky is from St. Petersburg, Florida. Brock moved around growing up. He is from Massechusetts, Minnesota and Florida.

How did you guys meet?
Vicky Statzer (VS): We met at a mutual friend’s party.

What did you do for your first Valentine’s Day together?
Brock Tupikow (BT): We went out to dinner together and just hung out. Nothing too special.
VS: We’re pretty low-key people.

What’s the worst date you’ve ever had?
VS: Once I went out on a date with an acquaintance. We went to Kobe. It was so awkward. We had nothing in common. It was pretty miserable.
BT: I don’t think I’ve ever been on a bad date. I never really dated much.

What about your best dates?
Our first date at Saki House because we both love sushi. It’s our thing.
BT: I agree. That was a great night.

What’s your favorite thing about USF?
BT: The campus is pretty and the people are cool. The atmosphere is really nice.
VS: I also like the campus. Some parts are so nice.

What’s your favorite spot on campus?
VS: I’ve been really liking the business building. There’s a spot with lots of benches and glass buildings. It’s really peaceful.
BT: My favorite is in front of the bookstore, near Martin Luther King Plaza and behind the art building. There’s rows of trees lining the sidewalks. It’s beautiful.

Brock, what’s your favorite thing about Vicky?
BT: There’s not one specific thing about her. I just like her. I like spending time with her.

And Vicky, what’s your favorite thing about Brock?
VS: He’s different and weird like me. Most guys are lame. He is definitely not.

What do you want to do with your degree?
VS: I want to put some deep thought into it. Eventually, way down the line, I’d like to start my own architecture firm.
BT: I want to study pharmaceutical science and go into pharmeceudical product development.

Are you going to cure cancer?
BT: Possibly.

Are you in any extracurricular activities?
I like sleeping. Brock plays basketball. He’s quite the player.

Where do you want to live after college?
I think I want to live in California or Colorado. Somewhere scenic. I’d consider living in Florida.
VS: I want to live wherever I can get a job. I’m not a big fan of Tampa, but I love Florida.

What’s your biggest pet peeve?
VS: Obnoxious, ignorant people. They drive me insane!
BT: I hate when sick people sit next to me in class! Don’t get the rest of us sick. Stay home.


Hey there! My name is Samantha Stern and I'm a graduating senior of mass communication with a concentration on magazine journalism at the University of South Florida. I've been writing for Her Campus USF since January 2013 and this semester I was appointed editor-in-chief of the online publication. Life is a stressful thing and I want to provide a means of escape and self- improvement for young women, as well as for myself, by writing fun, engaging and useful content accessible anytime and anywhere via the internet.My ultimate goal is to empower women in their 20's. Women are hungry for everyday life advice. They crave tips for achieving the ideal in money, intelligence, beauty, fashion, health and lifestyle. I will satiate their informational appetite and, more importantly, help them become their outright best by writing fun and practical content relevant to the modern 20-something.When I'm not writing you can find me reading magazines (duh!) and books, taking long, hot baths and exploring local haunts with friends and family.Feel free to follow we on Twitter @samantha__stern or check out my resume and portfolio by clicking here.  
Ashley is a Chapter Advisor and currently living in Brooklyn, New York.