January 20th was Armature Works’ first Indie Flea of the year. I had never been to Armature Works, so this experience was really cool. The whole building was packed full of vendors and a bunch of customers looking at all the wares for sale.
Photo courtesy of Lizzy Hoffman
I had to loop around the place at least three times to figure out exactly what I wanted to buy, and even then, I probably missed some really interesting stuff. Obviously, I spent a little bit too much money. There was handmade jewelry, candles, cookies, prints, sunglasses, clothes, etc. The list could go on seemingly forever.
Photo courtesy of Lizzy Hoffman
If you ever plan on going to the Indie Flea, be sure to bring a good amount of money and some type of card too, for a lot of vendors are card only. This is a great way to support local businesses and even try out things you would never consider or be able to purchase. I bought a vegan strawberry muffin, which I would probably never try otherwise, and it was delicious.
Photo courtesy of Lizzy Hoffman
Once you are done at the flea, which could take forever, then you can go to one of Armature Works signature restaurants and get some ramen, a sandwich, sushi, or basically anything else.
I highly recommend you check their calendar http://armatureworks.com/calendar/ to see when the next Indie Flea is and go.