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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

It brings me great pleasure to introduce you all to the English-Irish girl group: The Saturdays. They are currently making their way from the UK to the US this year hoping to have you jamming out to their music by summer. The five-piece group is made up of  Frankie Sandford, Rochelle Wiseman, Mollie King, Una Healy and Vanessa White. They are a fun energetic bunch of individuals whose chemistry shows both on and off the stage.

So far, they’ve been doing their rounds of appearances at places like the Jay Leno Show, Perez Hilton’s after parties, and the Today Show. They have even premiered a new reality show based on their US invasion Chasing The Saturdays which aired for the first time last night. Not only will they be sharing their most personal moments with America, but fans will get to follow the girls and their quest to take over the American charts and leave their mark here in the US as other British bands and artists have been able to do. So, we’ll be able to get an inside look into the hard work and dedication it takes to really break into the American music scene.

But, I don’t think The Saturdays should worry about fitting right into our music scene. They have plenty of lyrics and hits dedicated to nasty break-ups, being hopelessly in love, having fun with your girls and staying strong during dire situations in life. If that doesn’t scream pop chart gold, then what does? Thanks to The Saturdays we’ll be able to add a little bit of girl power back into our charts again. Good luck girls!

Follow the girls and their adventure:
The Saturdays Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheSaturdays
Rochelle Twitter: https://twitter.com/RochelleTh…
Mollie Twitter: https://twitter.com/MollieTheSats
Frankie Twitter: https://twitter.com/FrankieThe…
Vanessa Twitter: https://twitter.com/VanessaThe…
Una Twitter: https://twitter.com/UnaTheSats

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Ashley is a Chapter Advisor and currently living in Brooklyn, New York.