Season three of the popular Netflix original show “Outer Banks” dropped on February 23rd of this year, and I recently finished it.
SPOILER ALERT: If you plan on watching this season or if you are still watching it, then STOP READING NOW.
I had pretty mixed opinions watching this show last year, so I was a little worried about the new season. However, after finishing it, I have to say this season was probably my favorite.
In episode one, the action and adventure ensues with fighting and chasing scenes after the main characters get “saved” by a pilot. Although I enjoyed the immediate intensity of the show, I think it was incredibly unrealistic that the first plane they see in over a month is the plane of a bad guy. This was the same complaint I had from the first two seasons, so I will say I mostly expected the season to be as impractical as its predecessors.
In getting into specific characters, I didn’t like Big John at all. Even though he did save John B in episode four, Big John constantly put the treasure ahead of his son when John B was a child.
Speaking of characters’ awful life-decisions, I was heartbroken and completely irritated that Sarah cheated on John B with Topper in episode six. I understand that John B made an uncalled-for comment about Sarah’s dad, Ward, and I understand that John B was also clearly lying to Sarah about the treasure, but that does not warrant her actions.
What made me even more frustrated was the fact that John B forgave her so quickly and the issue was barely fleshed out and was just thrown in the episode for no reason. I felt like this plot line just fed into the normalization of cheating in the media, hence being one of my least favorite parts.
I really, really hate Ward, and I mean that with so much respect to the show and the actor because they did such a great job at creating such a complicated character. Even though I hated Ward, there were moments where I felt bad for him. That alone illustrates how the show and actor succeeded in making a complex character on a show with some pretty flat characters, cough cough John B.
It is so hard for one article to encompass all of my thoughts on this new season that I might have to write another one. For now, I will conclude by saying that this season, though filled with the same unrealistic scenes found in the previous ones, is really enjoyable.