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Solidifying Floridians’ Right to Choose on the 2024 Ballot 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Eight out of ten Americans support the right to an abortion according to Reproductive Freedom for All. Despite this, twenty states across the US have significantly restricted or eradicated this right entirely. 

A recent victory in Ohio gives hope to pro-choice voters nationwide, but especially in Florida. Ohio voters, in a 57% majority, secured the right to an abortion through an amendment of the state’s constitution. This nullified the 2019 bill passed that deemed abortion against state law once a heartbeat is detectable. As Ohio is a dominant red state, the passage of this bill with a significant majority has sparked hope for a similar bill in Florida. 

The Florida Prohibits Laws Restricting Abortion Initiative is a proposed amendment to the Florida constitution that states “no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.” This amendment is being proposed by the organization Floridian’s Protecting Freedom. 

Attorney General Ashley Moody is in staunch opposition to this initiative’s appearance on the 2024 ballot. She claims that the language surrounding what defines viability is vague and in turn may lead to a broader scope than the bill intends. Despite her opposition, the ACLU and Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida have joined the coalition with Floridians Protecting Freedom. Their leaders speak on the data that clearly displays Floridian’s opposition towards the current abortion restrictions.

As opposed to the Ohio majority, the Florida constitution requires a 60% majority in order to amend the constitution. With Floridian’s recent progressive vote to secure a $15 an hour minimum wage and deep-rooted passion for individual freedom, leaders across the board believe this win is achievable. The Florida Supreme Court will make the final decision regarding if this issue will be on the 2024 ballot. 

In order to get the initiative on the ballot in November 2024, a total of 891,523 valid signatures must be collected by January 1, 2024. The signature verification deadline is one month following. It is crucial that the Florida legislature and the Florida Supreme Court see that across party lines, the right to a safe abortion is an issue of great importance. To learn more about the proposition, sign the petition, and find information on how to make your voice heard, visit the Floridians Protecting Freedom website. 

Editorial Note: At the time of publication, Floridians Protecting Freedom have completed their petition collection portion of their campaign.

Hey! My name is Novalee Knepper and I'm from Orlando, Florida. I'm an environmental science major here at USF. I love reading, journaling, thrifting, and bringing home more plants. I hope to one day write for National Geographic as a journalist.