As the fall semester comes to a close, stress can often manifest itself in how we look. Maybe it’s the all-nighters or the lack of wardrobe options due to the horrifyingly huge pile of laundry we refuse to pay $2 to wash and dry this close to break. Whatever the case is, most of us aren’t looking or feeling our best by the time we turn in our last exam. Try these tips for preventing post-finals PTSD over the break.
Most beauty-conscious collegiettes™ know that moisturizing is a smooth skin essential. But between the cooler temperatures and whirlwind of busyness that is finals week, it’s easy to forget the basics. Show your skin some love by slathering a yummy-smelling lotion infused with Shea butter all over, like SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter Lotion, available at Target. Treat dry hair to an easy coconut oil hair mask. Although it seems simple, moisturizing goes a long way in making you feel pampered.
While any exercise will help you recharge and burn off some of the Freshman 15, yoga is especially beneficial for enhancing flexibility, strength, breathing, and muscle tone Think of it as the superfruit of the exercise world. If you can’t make it to a class at a local yoga studio, there are many yoga workouts on YouTube, with varying difficulty levels. Try the Yoga Detox Flow to get your blood flowing.
Tea Tune-Up
Sadly, Southern-style sweet tea won’t do much to help your health, but brewed tea with a touch of honey can help you feel your best. There’s a tea for everything. Wake up in the morning with a caffeinated energy tea, or wind down at night with soothing Chamomile. Green tea is especially loved for its antioxidant and metabolism-boosting benefits. A variety of teas and brands can be found at your local grocery store.
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