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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

What do you do when you’re bored on a Friday night? Go out? Eat out with friends? How about something better?  After an insufferable day of lectures and homework, I just want to sit down and relax. For me, that’s where “Dress to Impress” comes in. Most people know the famous game on Roblox, “Dress to Impress.” This game took the world by storm. You may be thinking, what’s so special about a dress-up game? Or it’s just another Roblox game…, and honestly yes, it’s just another Roblox game, but it’s popular for a reason. When you’re bored on a random day, “Dress to Impress” just seems like such a fun way to relax — no stressful horror games, no boring tycoons, or having to deal with drama. Just dress up and slay that runway. 

Some tips to slay the runway are to be on trend and follow the theme. There are, of course, trolls who don’t follow the theme to get more rates because it’s “funny,” but players who follow the theme well can easily win. It’s all about knowing what is on trend. Let’s say the theme is a summer party; it would be important to have bright summer colors and patterns. The more you stay with the theme, the better chance you have of winning. Below is an example of a summer party outfit:

Next, layers! You may think that layering certain pieces would look weird and stupid, but trust me: when you layer certain pieces together, it can create a better outfit overall. Here’s an example:

The theme was formal and I interpreted it as a business kind of formal., so I layered a ruffled skirt and a blazer and dress to make a very formal dress. Using the same pattern allowed for the three different pieces to look seamless. There are some cases where you don’t even have to use the same pattern throughout to make a beautiful piece. If you ever need inspiration before playing the game to get better used to it, Pinterest and TikTok are some of the best sources to find inspiration. Sometimes, I love scrolling through TikTok and watching Dress to Impress videos for inspiration, but also seeing all the cool and unique combinations. 

Being creative is very important when playing. Just like how trolls can win even when they don’t follow the theme, thinking outside of the box can do something similar. For instance, “Dress to Impress” is having a collaboration with Charli XCX with the theme Brat, based on her new album. One of the Brat themes was “Rotten to the Core.” Some people like me took this literally and dressed up in all Brat-themed pieces like neon green, black, ripped shirts, and everything that encapsulates Brat. However, someone thought out of the box…they dressed up as one of the characters from the movie, Descendants, Mal. This was out of the box. Not many people thought of that, so of course they won the round because their use of creativity was so unique and unexpected that it won over the other players. So even though they weren’t entirely on theme, their creativity helped them win in the end and maybe it can help you out too!

Who doesn’t love something new? Well, “Dress to Impress” constantly adds events throughout their game, making it newer every moment. During certain months, they add events such as The Games. The Games is one of the events that happen during August, where you can gain a mermaid tail by using the code: “THEGAMES”. Of course, nothing is ever free entirely, so you have to complete a course. If you win the top 4, you’ll gain the mermaid tail. This is only one of many events; Dress to Impress Wiki lists others including  The Hunt, The Classic, Innovation Awards 2024, and Forest. Even more so, you can gain access to accessories and pieces that are limited. This can help so much with standing out and getting better at winning. 

With all of the slaying comes some problems. The voting system is kind of rigged. We all know the infamous one-star rates fellow players give. Don’t say you haven’t done it either…even I have. You could literally dress to impress, but since everyone voted one-star, it becomes difficult for people who actually try to win. How frustrating is that? There are other things like trolls. Some people literally won’t dress on a theme or pretend that they joined late just to gain a win. Like come on, what a cheap way to win. You would think people wouldn’t vote for someone who didn’t dress up, but somehow they win. Crazy! Of course, there is nothing you can really do to prevent the trolls from winning but don’t let the trolls get you down. You can still have fun creating unique and beautiful outfits with your friends! 

As college students, we have to find ways to relax and slow down. Calling my friends and playing “Dress to Impress” is my favorite way because I can be creative and dress up in cute outfits. I don’t have to be freaked out by playing horror games or stressful hobbies. So if you ever have an afternoon where you don’t know what to do, I suggest playing “Dress to Impress”!

I’m Tamiyah and I’m from Atlanta, Georgia. I have the pleasure of being a freshman at the University of South Florida majoring in journalism! I’ve written for a couple of things such as Diamond Gazette Magazine and Revision Dojo. One of my favorite hobbies is writing, mainly short stories! Any genre too! I want to explore more than romance or fantasy and dive into psychological. Besides writing, I love taking pictures of beautiful scenery, traveling and exploring places that I’ve never been to!