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For Your Next Sweet & Salty Craving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

It’s a strange craving; sweet and salty. Why would we crave ever this? For the most part, the sweet and salty craving is rarely ever caused by an underlying problem and can be more due to physical and emotional stress, as for women the craving could come around their menstrual cycle. However, this sort of craving can lead us to a snack that contains a lot of calories and foods that lack in nutrition such as chocolate covered pretzels, ice cream with nuts and whatever else we may come up with to satisfy this craving. 

When we have a craving that leads us to junk food a lot of us feel worse than before we did when we ate it and may even feel a bit guilty. Well it’s time to break the cycle! There are tons of snacks and deserts that are healthy and that will take care of the sweet and salty requirements such as fruit, nuts and seeds. These types of snacks will actually benefit your body and will give you more energy, and we all know that we could use more of that. You could also make chocolate dipped fruit or add fruit and nuts to your favorite flavor of yogurt ice cream. In the end, your body (especially your waist line) will thank you.