If you’re reading this article right now, you’re probably doing exactly what I’m doing by writing this: procrastinating on preparing for finals. Now I know this time is super stressful and you need to squeeze self-care in there, but don’t get too caught up and end up scrambling at the last second to finish your paper. Here are my 5 tips to get through finals without having an emotional breakdown:
Tip 1: Come Up With a Study Routine
It’s hard to cram a 10-page paper into a day and a half. Trust me. I know. Instead of doing that, figure out a study routine in which you can get your work done and have some rest time. What I like to do when I am writing or reading is set my timer for 30 minutes. I work diligently for this time and then after the timer goes off, I set another one for five minutes and take a quick phone break. Setting the 5-minute break timer is key for this to work! I have found that sometimes I tell myself that I will stop looking at my phone at so and so time and always forget. This method helps power through any tough concentration blocks.
Tip 2: ALWAYS Go to the Library to Study
In my many years of studying, I have found that I am pretty good at tricking myself. I tell myself that I will study just as hard at home, or be able to concentrate. Every time I do this I find that I get so distracted by cleaning, or my couch, or a million other things I love at home. Always go to the library to study. You will be able to focus so much better.
Tip 3: Bring Snacks!
I find that trying to study on an empty stomach is nearly impossible. I always bring chocolate covered almonds because they’re healthy, filling, and quiet. Sandwiches and fruit are also good options, just make sure they are easy to carry and quiet.
Tip 4: Don’t Forget Your Headphones
I love listening to music while I study. Something that is low and pushes away the background noise is ideal for me because it helps me move along to the rhythm without getting too distracted. My favorite playlist is the Harry Potter soundtrack!
Tip 5: Breaks Are important
I hesitated with this section because I don’t want someone to take advantage and continue to procrastinate (like I totally would). Make sure if you have been sitting down for a while (at least an hour of hard work is a good rule of thumb), then you get up and walk around and take a brain break. If you have been staring at the screen for hours, your creative process will start to go numb and you won’t be as sharp.
These are my tips for how to push through for finals! Remember to be kind to yourself and remember, this is only one horrible week! While finals are very important for the fate of your grade, they don’t define you as a person. Okay, enough break time! Get back to studying!