Art has many faces. It defines our culture and leads our lifestyle. We can see it in a gallery or even on our way to work, the important thing is that it is always around.
But art does not have to be just entertainment. Throughout history we can see art has been used as political statements. This is what can be called artivism, a political way of simply protesting with the use of visual art. The importance of this type of art is made by the fact that it allows protesting to be given the option to everyone and not just those who are ready to put their bodies on the front line.
A popular example of artivism artist is Banksy. Banksy is an anonymous graffiti artist whose art has been featured in many locations and has even done exhibits . What made Banksy popular in the beginning was his graffiti which would show message about anti-war or anti-capitalist, such as the protestor who furiously threw a bouquet of flowers.
So why should we care about these images, such as graffiti, protest signs, or banners. We should care because as I mentioned, art controls our daily life. It creates a lifestyle and though we may not notice it, art speaks to us and gives a way to connect with others without actually having to move out of our way. We as  civilians can be a part of movements just by connecting to these artworks, and it could be a first step for many to actually get involved into the political world.
Julissa Â