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Campus Cutie: Sean Cornell, Sailing Extraordinaire

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

1. Full name: Sean Cornell

2. Hometown: Centerport, New York

3. Major at USFSP/what year? Pre-Business, Freshman (2018)

4. How are you involved on campus? Sailing Team, Honors Program

5. What made you choose USFSP? [The] Florida weather, [being accepted to the] honors program, [being recruited for the] sailing team, [and] St. Petersburg

6. Relationship Status? I have a girlfriend at USF Tampa

7. What do you plan to do career wise? I’d love to start a business

8. Are you employed? I [was] a sailing instructor over the summer

9. Number one thing on your bucket list? Sail across an ocean!

10. If you could get a trip anywhere in the world, everything paid, where would that be and why? New Zealand; it just seems like a really nice place.

11. Favorite food? Chipotle Burritos!

12. What is your favorite part of being on the sailing team/sailing in general? Meeting new people and doing what I love. I have sailed competitively almost my entire life, its just awesome to do it at such a high collegiate level.

13. How did you get on the sailing team? I knew I wanted to sail in college, so I emailed a bunch of college sailing coaches my sailing resume. [I toured the] campus and was recruited onto the team.

14. Do you find it challenging to manage sailing, the honors program, being a pre-business major, and being in a relationship? Its a challenge to manage my college workload and sailing. Between practice 4 hours a day, team workout in the morning, and races on weekends, I have to find the time to study.

15. Do you have positions on the sailing team? What is yours? There are only 2 positions of the sailing team. I am a skipper, so I steer the boat and control the larger sail in the back, and the crew sits in front of me, and controls the smaller sail in the front. We both use our body weight to control the stability of the boat.

16. How much have you explored the area and where are your favorite places to hang out? I haven’t been to many places in St. Petersburg yet, but I went to the USF football game in Tampa.

Photos are from Sean’s personal Facebook.

Hi! I'm Savannah, a freshman at USFSP. I'm a graphic design major hoping to work in museums in the future. I'm queer, a feminist, and a huge nerd.
A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others.Â