Being a college student is hard work. With all those classes, extracurriculars, jobs, internships, it’s a real wonder we even find time for our social lives, and even dating!
Today, it’s not surprising at all that so many people turn to the Internet to find love. If you’re interested in a free dating website that not only gets results, but keeps your personal life personal, try Here, you don’t have to worry about the embarrassment of your classmates finding you on a dating website (unless you want them to, of course). In fact, you can block your department, or even your entire college from seeing your profile, if you’re interested in checking out prospective dates from surrounding schools.
Datemyschool was cofounded by Columbia University MBA classmates Balaz Alexa and Jean Meyer in November 2010. Within one week, it was so popular that 5% of the school was signed up! Today, over 30% of Columbia University uses datemyschool, and there are over 150,000 members nationwide. is the winner of’s 2012 Reader’s Choice Awards for Best College Site. It has also received recognition for its safety and privacy features. Today, datemyschool remains the largest online dating platform for students and alumni nationwide.
The immaculate and extensive privacy and safety options ensure your profile cannot be searched on Google. Datemyschool verifies every user (a college email is required to sign up) and makes sure there are no fake profiles, so what you see is what you get. And it doesn’t hurt to have total control over who sees your profile and who doesn’t J Hoping to get a date for tonight? Sign up! Most users land dates within 30 minutes.
Even though dating websites can be fun, there’s always that chance of dates leading to questionable situations. Here are our tips for online dating:
When going on a date, take the obvious safety precautions: Meet in a public place, stay relatively sober, and tell friends where you’ll be. Not to scare you, but there’s always that tiny chance of a seemingly nice guy that may try to take advantage of you. Don’t give him that opportunity.
Post real, non-Photoshopped pictures of yourself Be true to who you are. Otherwise there will be awkwardness when you meet someone in person.
Keep an Open Mind So maybe someone is messaging you and they’re not your ideal Prince Charming type. If you talk to someone online, you have no idea what he will be like in person. Give him a chance!
Too Broke to Date? Let’s face it, sometimes guys don’t want to (or can’t afford to) take us out to a fancy dinner. If he’s in college too, chances are he’s not rich. But there’s no harm in getting coffee at the Campus Grind and then getting to know each other by the romantic waterfront. There are tons of free, fun things to do on campus.
Want to Hang Out With Him, but Need to Study? Chances are, he feels the same. Get some munchies and music, and have a study date. Later, once your homework is done, go celebrate with him.
Ready to get a date for tonight? Start here: