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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

We’ve almost made it! The spring semester is nearly through, which is exciting, but also immensely unnerving. The end of the semester means a few things for college students: numerous late night study sessions, lack of sleep, double (maybe triple) the amount of coffee consumption, and most likely some tears. Your professors are throwing in last minute assignments, projects, quizzes, and on top of that, you have to worry about studying for your final exams. It all sounds horrifying, I know. But trust me, you can, and will, make it through! Here are 5 tips that I believe will help you push through these last few weeks and finish the semester strong. We’ve got this!

1. Plan, organize and stay ahead

It’s warming up outside, the days are getting longer, and summer is in the air. It is so close, I can almost taste it. It is hard to stay focused when the weather is so beautiful. But, this is when my planner becomes my best friend. By making a to-do list, planning ahead on assignments, and checking the syllabi for approaching due dates, I am able to maintain focus on important assignments, tasks, and make time for studying. Planning out the last few weeks of your semester is an excellent way to keep stress at bay.  


2. Ask for help when you need it and don’t be afraid to ask

When studying for your final exam or completing a few last minute assignments, you come across a concept that you do not understand. What do you do? ASK FOR HELP! It is available to you. Utilize the tutoring center or even try going to your professor’s office during office hours. More importantly, do not be afraid to ask for help or guidance. The tutors in the tutoring center want to help you succeed, do not be afraid to receive assistance. You will thank yourself in the long run.


3. Take care of yourself

Over the next few weeks, we are all going to be extremely busy. However, that does not grant you permission to neglect your health. Maintain a healthy sleeping schedule and fuel your body with healthy foods in order to keep your mind sharp and focused for all that is to come during finals week. Incorporate some extra self-care; take a bath, do a face-mask, cry your eyes out if you have to. Whatever it is you need to do to take care of yourself and alleviate some stress, do it. Be mindful and give yourself a little extra love.


4. Find your study space

It is important to have one special place that is your dedicated study space. It may be your local coffee shop, the library, the waterfront, literally anywhere that works for you and your learning style. I recommend sticking to one study space. If you pick the library, keep going to the library to study. Sticking to one place will help you maintain better focus because when you walk through those doors, you are mentally aware that you are entering the place where you get sh*t done.


5. Get outside and take breaks

Yes, studying is important, but keeping yourself locked up indoors is not going to do your mental health any good. Give yourself a well-deserved break after a study session or after you check something off of your to-do list. Go for a bike ride, a walk, lay out in the sun, anything! Use these breaks as a little incentive for you to check tasks off of your to-do list. Trust me, take a break. You deserve it.


Good luck. I know you can do this. Kick this semester’s ass.

Xo, A.


April Carter is a Junior at USFSP studying education with a minor in American Lit studies. She is a peer coach on campus, a member of Sigma Tau Delta and Papercut Literary Journal, and a personal trainer. April has a strong passion for writing, reading and all things health and wellness. In her free time, you can usually find her reading, writing, or working out.
A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others.